Should I start taking diet Pills?

I have just recently had a spinal fusion on May 15th. I have two rods in my back going from my T4 to my L2. I'm not allowed to do any fitness activities for almost a year. I had the surgery 8 weeks now, and I've gained almost 10 pounds. I now weight 195 or more. I use to be a very active 17 year old, now all I can do is only sit. I'm starting to become really depressed and I'm starting to eat a lot. I can't walk for a long time because my back starts to hurt after a while. I just can't win at all. I try to do things, but I get yelled at by my parents. I at least try. I can see my stomach getting bigger and I'm losing so much muscle mass. My arms were rock hard. Now I'm getting wings, and I can only lift 10 pounds. I've spent my whole teen life trying to lose the weight I had from when i was younger, I was going great. I'm now losing the nice collarbone thing and I'm getting another chin. I feel I'm desperate enough to try diets pills.

How to Lose Weight If You Are in a Wheelchair

Recommended Answer:

Guide Weight Loss by Dr. OzMedicine Cabinet Weight Loss Dietary Supplements:Weight Loss Diet Supplements # 1: Keep your metabolism will taking B vitamins every day. While metabolize carbohydrates, proteins and fatty acids, B vitamins also provides a lot of energy.Weight Loss Diet Supplements # 2: Taking a calcium supplement 600mg plus 600mg of calcium from other foods foods rich in calcium to help prevent bone fractures.Weight Loss Diet Supplements # 3: Take 400mg of magnesium per day to support bone strength.Weight Loss Diet Supplements # 4: Take 1000 IU of vitamin D3 with 900 mg of DHA to support memory and vision and decrease the risk of heart attacks and strokes.Weight Loss Diet Supplements # 5: Reinvent your favorite recipes from food to include healthy substitutes for ingredients not so healthy.

How can i lose fat and build muscle?

So I do cardio 6 times a week (i have a conditioning plan for soccer). The workouts are 45 minutes of plymetrics, shuttles, and full field sprints. Along with that I juggle and practice goal kicks 6 days a week also. I do ab workouts every other day for 8-16 minutes. I am gaining weight though. I was 142 on monday and now I am 147.5! (Btw I am 5'8 and a girl) I used to do ab workouts everyday but then I realized I needed rest days but my abs aren't as hard now and they are not visible. I workout to get stronger and better at soccer, but I also want to look good. I eat fairly well. I don;t eat a lot of junk food at all and I have fruits and veggies everyday. Do I weigh too much? And I drink a lot of water. Today I drank about 75 ounces so far. Thank you so much :)

How to Fast to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

You're doing great! That weight is most likely muscle you're gaining. It takes time to lose weight so you have to keep the faith and keep going and you'll lose weight. Don't forget to have at least one day a week of rest with no intense training.

Other Answers:

  • By doing workouts, you will lose fat and build up lots of muscle. Running is the best way to lose fat and weights are the best way to build muscle. I dont think about that though. I am not fat but big so I run not to reduce but to get fit. I do lots of pushups and if i get the chance pull ups

How am suppose to feel when am just a months pregnant?

Am just 4weeks pregnant and i already feel terrble, i feel like am going to die of vomittng and spitting,.......i cant eat anythiing solid except coco cola, and very hot chilli peppers.....will this affect my baby, and is it normal to feel very sick and throw up all the time...

How to Diet with Brown Rice to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

It is called morning sickness. It is normal. Mine didn't start until 6 weeks though. And I lost 10 pounds in the first trimester from morning sickness. It can last all day too.

Other Answers:

  • Yes your pregnancy is completely normal. Congratulations!! Try to eat nutritious food.
  • You can't eat anything but junk food? Weird. That's probably whats making you feel sick! Try crackers, they helped me out a lot when I had morning sickness.
  • Welcome to pregnancy!

How many calories a day to be 100 pounds?

I'm 5 foot, 14 year old girl, and weigh 110. I run 4 miles 4 days a week and I eat comfortably (meaning I'm not on a diet) I'd like to lose 10 pounds before the school year. About how many calories a day should I consume?

How to Lose Weight by Walking Fast

Recommended Answer:

I'm 14 also, and 5'5. I use to weigh exactly the same as you! I was 110 and starting eating 1200 calories a day and I got down to 105 after two weeks. I think you could do the same. I didn't quite eating what I liked, except for the sweets. I just cut my portion size in half. It may be hard at first cutting out the sweets, but you can do it! Just eat your favorite dessert or favorite fattening food once a week. Good luck!!!

Other Answers:

  • it all depends on your body's metabolism and muscle/fat/bone weight ratios. If you cut out about 1/4th of the calories you eat and add a bit more exercise you should reach your goal. but just know that your body is changing a lot at this point so if things dont go as planned dont beat yourself up over it.

Girla am i too ugly and fat to be with an attractive girl?

Seriously am i that disgusting or something cause i always get hurt and rejected amd it sucks amd no one cares that i hurt all the time but am i that gross to be with i try to lose weight but girls rejection makes me quit and want to give up i hate my life because there's this girl who I like and she is 4 years older than me and she is completely out of my league and I want to be with her so badly but she only sees me as a kid I'm very fat very short I'm very ugly I'm very poor and she will never give me a chance because I know I'm just not good enough for her and she's with the guy who just goes and gets drunk with his friends and doesn't appreciate her like I could I want to do everything I can for her to make her the happiest girl in the World but just seems like I can't because she will never see me more then just a friend and I can't stand it I'm sick of being the friend I'm sick of being friendzoned I'm sick of not getting a chance and its not fair I want for things to be different for me but nothing ever changes I'm always denied rejected or Passed over and everyday I want to just shoot myself in the head because I know that I have no chance with her but I still don't want to give up but I can't stand the idea of her rejecting me because it will literally rip my life apart can someone please give me any advice on maybe on how to lose weight or how to get taller the better looking because I'm a complete ugly sack of s-h-i-t and it breaks my heart and makes me miserable how someone else gets to feel her breath on his neck and clings on his waist every night when they go to bed when I go to bed crying wishing she could be in my arms here's what I look like I have to warn you you might need therapy after seeing my picture I'm hard to look at

How to Lose Weight on a Budget

Recommended Answer:

That picture isn't that bad. Yea you look overweight but you probablyWill look a lot better if you dropped some weight..So losing the weight will take 2 out of the 3 things away. The only thing you cant doVery much about is the tall thing. But tbh and i speak from experience im 6'6 being tall Doesn't automatically means your life is one big fairy tale either.Girls your age are just gonna be a bit shallow it will get marginally better as your age.So drop the weight in a responsible way and turn your life around and with the loss of weightYour self esteem will grow also.I ll advice you to take the loading fase the first 2 months. Go on a. Good diet limit your calories by 500 of your daily needs and incorporate at first walking will do.Get mp3 player load up some books so you can get smarter while you walk and walk for an hour daily. Walking will do for now. If you really wanna step it up a notch walk 2 hours a day but 1 is good enough to start with.Now we got the cardio part done we move in to the next part. Resistance training get some dumbells maybe barbell and weight maybe a bench and your set. Its a lill investment but maybe you can save a buck or 2 with buying used. Theres no point in new iron anyways old iron work just as well. You can also go to the gym but i prefer home myself i m a bit weird tho. I want you to train 3 days a week look up 5x5 program and you hold be set its a loading program it ll increasingly get harder but you also get stronger.Diet and the food you take is a prime thing here. To burn fat and feed the muscle or at least make sure you dont loose muscle in the progress you need lots of protein. You gonna get it from cottage cheese milk eggs chicken turkey and drop the junk food to once a week its not gonna be easy my friend but when she sees how commited you are and how you can turn things around she s really gonna admire your courage and perseverance. Im not gonna guarantee you that it will be a happily ever after but i can guarantee you that there will be a positive change. If you need my help be free to send me an email and ill see what i can do for you.

How do I lose tummy fat?

I'm 15. And weigh 142 pounds and I'm 5'6 and I want to lose 20 pounds and I have tummy fat more then anywear else.ive been running/walking and I dropped 8 pounds by doing that.what can I do to get skinnier thighs also.please help

How to Lose Weight by Swimming

Recommended Answer:

I would suggest a gluten free diet because it worked wonders for 2 people your age. They also did a dance exercise workout to their favorites. You will be surprised what that can do. It's wasn't about the weight, it was about getting the tone. Muscle weighs more than fat they say and looks better, in my view.

Other Answers:

  • You only need to lose 15 lbs which you can do in 6 weeks. Here's a good low-carb food/exercise plan:Breakfast: Cook 9-grain cereal (from health food store) in water with rolled oats and wheat bran. Make a pot of it on weekends and nuke 1/2 cup each morning. Add low fat milk or yogurt, banana, walnuts and berries. Drink hot Ovaltine. Breakfast should be your largest meal of the day to raise blood sugar level which falls during the night.Lunch: Egg, tuna or turkey ½ sandwich on whole grain (not just whole wheat) bread with bean or alfalfa sprouts, yogurt, fresh fruit. If you had meat loaf for dinner, bring a meat loaf sandwich on whole grain bread (NO mayo). On cold days, a squatty thermos of hot chili, split peas with ham, or beef stew.Snacks: Fresh (not canned) fruit. Nothing ever from a vending machine. Dinner: salad with white meat chicken and fresh (not canned) veggies: tomatoes, 2 kinds of lettuce, 2 kinds of shredded cabbage, shredded or sliced carrots, alfalfa or bean sprouts, zucchini, green or red peppers, hard boiled eggs, brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, tofu, cottage cheese...Instead of dressing, squeeze 1/4 tomato over it. Or homemade bean/vegetable soups; great way to recycle leftovers.Or grilled fish with steamed veggies.Or omelet: In blender, whip together eggs, tofu, cottage cheese, onions, garlic powder. Cook with mushrooms, chopped tomatoes and green or red peppers. Avoid junk food, fast foods, pastries, desserts, anything with sugar (cancer cells feed on sugar), gluten, syrup (even canned fruit in syrup), peanut butter, fat/grease (pork, wieners, chops, bacon, salami, pizza, chips, fries), pasta, potatoes, ramen, popcorn, white bread, rice, canned veggies, ice cream, soda, chips, tobacco, alcohol and coffee. No oil except olive and mac nut. To keep your skin clear, drink water, tea, unsweetened veggie and fruit juice. Join a gym; they have all the equipment and staff to show you how to use it to get the look you want to achieve, but you have to ask them. Much cheaper than buying your own equipment. Go hiking, biking, jogging, bowling, swimming, rowing, jump rope, play tennis, badminton, volleyball, soccer, jumping jacks, lift weights, trampoline? To tone your tummy, do sit ups, push ups, pull ups, leg lifts, butt raises and crunches.For more energy, take Super B complex.

Is this enough to lose weight?

okay, when I wake up in the morning I drink some water, then I do 15 minutes of cardio. then ill relax for a little bit and ill eat oatmeal and fruit or some whole grain cereal or a protein shake. then after a little later on ill do some aerobics and strength training on wii fit. then ill eat lunch, which ill have a salad, or some fish, or some vegetables and like 2 cheese sticks. for dinner, ill usually eat some grilled chicken with some steamed vegetables or something like that. is this enough exercise and dieting for everyday? or should I make any adjustments?

The Best Way to Lose Weight With Hypothyroidism

Recommended Answer:

sounds like you know what your doing, but remember to keep the weight off only try to lose a pound or a half pound a week!

Other Answers:

  • It's enough for everything, you just need to do it longer the more you wanna loose.What I do is drink 2 Liters+ of water everyday, eat white meat(chicken mostly) with some greens.Then at 7-8 PM I take a 30 min-1 hour walk with my dog with a normal speed, go home and relax, I this everyday and it works.

How to lose weight sufficiently?

Im 16 and weigh 236, my highest is 240 or 237 i forget. I was about 220 like half a year (6 months) ago. I wanna lose weight in a very suffieciently. I dont care if it takes me 2 months to drop 15 lbs i want a way to do it. I used to jog every day last summer and eat semi-healthily and lost some lbs over the summer and this summer i tried to jog everyday and i just cant do it. I play tennis constantly, and dont eat that helthy. Should i keep playing tennis and drink and eat healthily? Or should i do more? Any help im desperate to lose weight.

How to Lose Weight Gain Muscle

Recommended Answer:

Eat healthy: eat 3 whole meals a day. For your meals, you want something healthy and that fills you up so that you don't get hungry again for a long time. You need to also make healthy choices like eating whole wheat bread or whole grain bread instead of white bread and brown rice instead of white rice. Cut all junk food. They are bad for you and cause weight gain fast. Cut fast food as well! If you get hungry in between your 3 meals, eat a piece of fruit/vegetable, low-fat yogurt, skim milk, or fruit juice. THey are all good and healthy and will burn fat. As well as eating healthy, combine with exercise and you will lose the weight healthfully and easily. Diets don't work in the long run. When you consume too little, or deprive yourself of certain foods, you are also not getting the essential nutrients. That's why everyone gain the weight back and more in diets. Diet's are a plan for fail. INstead, just focus on eating healthy. You will feel better, look better, and perform better. Opt for a healthy lifestyle, not a fad diet. that's how you lose weight and keep it off for good.

1994 Toyota Camry Le Tips on tuning it up and making it faster the right way?

1994 Toyota Camry Le Tips on tuning it up and making it faster the right way?its a old cool dependable car i just wanna get rid of the slow v4 and upgrade to a v6 , but when i do it what all will need to be upgraded and changed with it thanks!(trans,battery, chip, etc.)?????

How to Lose Weight by Walking

Recommended Answer:

Since you don't know the difference between a V4 and an I4 (which your car has), your chance of making it faster is slim to none.

How can I meet my daily calorie intake?

TL;DR (I'm a guy, I do a lot of sports and burn more calories than I eat even though I eat as much as I can. What should I do?)I'm a guy (using my sister's account) and I don't know how to meet my daily calorie intake. I'm 15 and I have a BMR (basal metabolic rate, how many calories I burn sitting down doing nothing) of 1581 calories. I also do rock climbing every other day for about 5 hours (very physically exhausting, Honestly I think I burn at least 2000 calories). How am I supposed to eat 3581 calories? And still eat nutritiously? I'm 5'7" and I'm actually losing weight. I'm not done growing so I don't want to eat less calories than I burn and stop growing before I hit my growth spurt. I don't care about my weight, I'll gain weight gladly, but I do not want to lose weight under any circumstances. On the days I do go climbing, I eat an average breakfast of about 500 calories (around 10 am), then I eat a banana or something during rock climbing (Around 2 pm,) and then when I get back home (around 5:30) I eat as much dinner as I can (probably at least 1000 calories) then I eat some crackers or chips throughout the night (probably another 1000 calories). I don't know what to do. Does anyone think I'm overreacting? I might, because I woke up this morning 2 pounds lighter than the morning before. Any advice?

How to Use Sassy Water to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

Well as you are so active and sound like you live a healthy lifestyle, the best way to add to your calorie intake is to eat something that is going to be high in calories, and compliment all this by being highly nutritious as well. This means eating higher calorie fruits, nuts and seeds.Raisins for example, you get almost 500 calories in a cup of raisins.Sesame seeds, half a cup of these is 400 calories.A 5 oz cup of almonds is like 800 odd calories.A bowl of granola with some sugar on it is 700 odd calories including milk.All of these foods are loaded with nutrients that far outweigh their high calorie content.

I need weight loss help!?

I am going to travel out of the country in 4 weeks, but I'm not exactly in the best shape. I've already cut out chips and soda. I'm getting a gym membership soon, so ill be able to work out lots. Any advice on how to lose weight fast? I need to know wht other foods to cut out. I just cut meat today..

How to Lose Weight Overnight

Recommended Answer:

When you are losing weight, you should exercise and diet together.If you exercise without dieting, you will get bigger appetite, whichwill lead to increase of weight, or muscle growunderneath the fat layer, and make you bulkier. If you diet withoutexercising, you will become flabby and will have excess skin. Fordiet, go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no foodafter 7 p.m. People achieve marvellous results with it. Depending onyour initial weight, you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. Ifyou don't eat wheat then you don't eat all those sticky, fatty goeycakes, you don't eat junk food, and you don't eat biscuits. But yourdiet is still balanced. It costs nothing, and you do not have tocalculate points or to buy special meals or plans. For exercising,start with walking, and then switch to running/jogging. Running is themost efficient and calorie-burn exercise ever. If you are overweight alot, walk first or you may have health complications (heart attack,disjointed bones and so on). Weight lifting is a good means to targetyour problem areas for men and women. It's not necessarily to become abodybuilder or even join a gym - a couple of dumbbells will help youto target your problem areas (stomach, butt, legs, arms, chest).

Other Answers:

  • Start jogging in the morning 2 mile. Try to beat your time everytime. Start eating healthy. Drink lots of water. Do 100 curlups and 100 pushups a day. You can lose about 10 pounds if this is your daily routine. Do more if you want to lose more.
  • That's good you cut out on meat for your goal :) you seem very determined! You can buy chia seeds and drink them along with your regular lemonade or any iced tea! It's delicious :) the seeds full you up faster :) they're healthy and your body can digest them ! Have fun in your vacation and good luck !
  • If you want to loss weight, such the fried food you should eat less. And i think climbing mountains is an interesting activity to lose weight. i had lost much fat by climbing mountains last summer.
  • You don't have to cut meat out. It's actually very important to your daily dirt especially if you've always eaten it. You don't want your body in a shock right before and as you travel. That wouldn't be fun at all. Just realize that eating and what you out into your body in the most important thing a human should do and that should be first over everything. If you're over weight. Walk fast. Not over weight, then jog as much as you can but still eat. Water helps too
  • For weight loss, dieting is more effective than exercise.Reducing your intake of junk sugar will help as in items 22 and 106 in natural sugars in fruits are OK as they are metabolised to glucose slowly due to their high fiber content. Fruits are low in calories and are not fattening.Most fruits are metabolism boosting foods and most vegetables as well and that helps for weight loss.

GOOD Weight loss programs?

Hello, I have some weight I want to lose. Regular dieting and exercising with my gym equipment isn't cutting it. Can anyone recommend a weight loss program like p90x or something like that, that are effective in weight loss? Just ideas please, no hate on programs. Thank you!

How to Lose Weight When You Are Elderly

Recommended Answer:

i know how that is. i was 160 pounds 8 months ago and now i'm 125 and it was hell. but what you have to do is simple. every month you have exercise more and then cut 100 calories. start at 2000 calories of HEALTHY food. remember 300 calories of vegetables and grains is different then a 300 cal cheeseburger. then do a certain amount of exercise, not as much as you can! I did p90x and insanity. i also jogged outside and bought a total gym xls later on and got more toned on that. Towards the end i was eating 1000 calories and ran a lot more than usual. cardio is the best way to burn calories. then my body adjusted to the change by about 2 months ago. Now, I can eat 1500 calories a day and exercise 3 times a week and i haven't gained any back because i don't eat a lot of fat. I tend to eat more veggies and fruit with grains and keep the meat, dairy and fat down to the minimum amount needed.

Other Answers:

  • The one that worked best for me was
  • You can try fat loss factor, my 17yrs sister was 190lbs last year but now she is 130lbs following this

does it matter what you eat on a diet, as long as you stay under 1600 calories?

can you eat chinese food and if you are under the amount of calories you need to stay under, can you still lose weight?

How to Lose Weight Fast Without Drugs

Recommended Answer:

The lower the caloric intake, the more important it is to think about what you are eating. You will reach a point where it becomes harder and harder to get all the nutrients that your body needs. It isn't just about the calories - it is about nutrition and maintenance of health.

Other Answers:

  • Yes you can eat Chinese. Yes you will lose weight if you burn it off. No it's not good for you. You may lose weight but you won't see a diffrence in your stomach of whatever because the sugars and etc. go straight to ur stomach

fat loss factor what do u think?

I have come across this Fat Loss Factor! And from what I see its lagit And I am dealing with weight issues and want to find the right weight loss program! And I found this Fat Loss Factor! I ran it to while I was searching for diets and weight loss. well just wondering if any one else had heard any thing on it?

How to Lose Weight After Kids

Recommended Answer:

As a user of the fat loss factor I really enjoy it and find it has actually worked. I have been on it for 3 weeks and have lost 10 lbs. But I did follow the program word for word which is why I have been successful. Overall, I picked the Fat Loss Factor over many other weight loss products, because it's a great program with a mass of well organised and utilised information. Although the program requires time and effort, the methods are very easy to follow and understand, thus loss of motivation is significantly reduced. I also like the fact that we are given power to decide what path to follow regarding diet and exercise because what works for one person might not work for another, but it's also up to each person whether they are motivated and determined enough to lose weight. Here is a review that actually tells you what is included before you buy it. The program does work and has sold over 500000. There is even a local fat loss factor group in my area, so once you sign up you can check your area too. It is a really motivating program and has helped me lose weight as a total noob. Hope this helps.

How long does it take for a 17 year old horse to start showing weight gain?

I have a 17 year old horse that I have grazing all day and I feed him sweet feed 3 times a day how long will it take to show weight gain on him he is pretty skinny

How to Lose Weight Quickly Without Taking Pills

Recommended Answer:

An underweight horse can safely gain .5 to 1 pound of body weight per day and it may take up to a year or more for a horse to get back to a normal weight.The Care and Feeding of the Starved Horse

I have an older cat who is losing weight quickly.?

I have a very active 19 year old indoor all of his life Bengal Tabby Cat.He still has his family jewels, in case of breeding.His appetite is one can of wet food per day, and a stand by munchie bowl of dry food which he'll graze on & off during the day.Now up to a month or so ago, he was pure mussel and weighed around 15 pounds; but recently he has been losing weight rather quickly and look to be skin and bones.His active ways haven't changed a bit, runs around here like it's a race track and is quick to play.What would cause an active cat to lose weight so quickly when he has never before?Thanks for any input.Yes litter box cleaned every couple of days.

How to Lose Weight Without Diet Pills

Recommended Answer:

sounds like hyperthyroidism common in older cats - controllable with carbimazole, neomercazole or methimazole

Other Answers:

  • Maybe if hes active he needs more food try giving him a little more food cause as any animal gets older it reacts differently to different things sometimes they gain weight fast and sometimes they loose weight fast so u may need to give ur cat more food try it and see how it works
  • Bad teeth, hyperthyroid, cancer - the list is endless. No one here really knows, but the vet will.
  • I agree with J C There are a lot of this's that can cause weight loss, Its time for a vet vist
  • my cat is going through this (Came back from the vet yesterday about it) your cat is suffering from Microglanditious. its a common form of anorexia. i now have to feed my 20 year old cat through thin tube full of blended flax seeds and honey for the next 9 months. what causes this is the amonia from their urine. do you clean your litter box every 3 days as recommended?

need help with dieting?

so iv'e been working out for about a year and i need help coming up with a diet to loose weight and gain lean muscle any tips or advise would be great thanks, i weigh 250lbs but have a muscular build i just want to get rid of the gut

How to Lose Weight for Boot Camp

Recommended Answer:

It all depends upon what you are willing to do.Diet: The most effective, cheapest, and healthiest diet is veganExercise:Cardiovascular training is the best way to go to increase your stamina and lose weight. Although you could just run, you should probably be using a bike or an elliptical rather than running or the treadmill (high impact). Work in the heartrate range of 65% to 85% of (220-age). If you do not have a heart rate monitor, you should buy one. Polar is the best brand. Start of with about 20 min toward the low end of the range and gradually increase until you can do 90 minutes.Do it as often as you can, every day would be great. Do not plan on off days because those will come up anyway.There is no such thing as spot reduction. You can exercise other areas to tone them if you want but weight loss is all over. We have a genetic tendency to gain weight in certain areas but losing it is everywhere and involves all tissue types, not just fat. Bummer but the world is not fair.You could tone your arms with any of the curl machines, triceps extensions, or better the low rowing and bench press machines

10 Steps: How to Lose Weight Without Dieting

Many people decide on the spur of the moment that they’re going to start dieting. How often does it work? Rarely. Why bother with something that probably won't work anyway? Discover how you can lose weight without dieting by applying these few simple steps.


The Motivation

  1. Know when you're "there." Facts are facts: If you're not ready to make a change, the weight certainly won't magically fall off. Especially if you're not dieting. But knowing when you're there (and taking action only when you are) will prevent you from having another failed attempt at weight loss.
    • Not dieting puts a serious dent in your ability to lose weight. That pretty much means you're down to exercise and good life habits. If exercising consistently and practicing diligence and self-restraint don't sound doable, assess your situation and revisit this idea at a later date.
      • If you're not there, ask yourself what you can do to get there. What has stood in your way in the past? What excuses have you made? What obstacles do you have to overcome? What might make you motivated?
  2. Set realistic goals. Instead of focusing on the total amount you want to lose, make achievable targets for a week at a time which you know can be attainable. Because you're not dieting, you may need to think a bit smaller than the average dieter.
    • Think about your workout routine. How many calories are you aiming to burn a day? What about days to rest? Will you take any? If you burn 400 calories a day (low impact aerobics burns 365 calories for someone who's 160 lbs (73 kg)), that's 2,800 calories a week. One pound is 3,500 calories.
  3. Know what you're up against. Each person burns a different amount of calories while working out. The more you weigh, in general, the more calories you'll burn. Just because the number on the treadmill says you burned 500 calories, you may not necessarily have burned 500 calories.
    • Running at 5 mph burns 606 calories per hour for a 160 lb person. But for a 200 lb (109 kg) person? 905. Walking at 2 mph? 204 calories versus 305, respectively. If you're making a goal, make sure you're using the right numbers!
  4. Set rewards. Okay, so you're in the zone. You're ready to lose weight. You're motivated. Brilliant! Now how do you stay in the zone? By setting goals and setting rewards to boot!
    • Make your rewards at regular intervals, just like your goals. You can do this by any scale you choose -- if you burn 10,000 calories, it's party time! Or have you worked out 10 days in a row? Fantastic! Now what kind of reward would keep you going? A night out? A mini vacation? An afternoon nap?
  • Eat regularly -- research shows that healthy snacking can actually keep your hunger at bay. Just eat smaller meals instead of one or two bigger ones.
  • Avoid sugary and processed food -- they only give you short bursts of energy and they are high in fat.
  • Dieting can actually make you more hungry. Your body slows down the calorie burning process because it doesn't know when you will eat next. As a result, it stores fat.
  • You may not see the results you're looking for, especially immediately. Be patient.