How to set up a Weight Loss Pool with 15 people? Does it matter our start weight? ie:%body fat?

So Im wondering...... what is the best way to do a weight loss pool? This is where we all chip in $10 or so and the winner (who loses the most) takes home the pot.I have started a weight loss group, and although we are in the obese category, more of us are medically considered to be "morbidly obese" which is fine because we are working on losing weight as a team, and together between all 15 of us have lost over 100lbs. So Im wondering, is FAIR for people of different weights to have an equal opportunity to win this?What if Sally weighs 300 and Jim weighs 400?Jims weight would fall off quicker than Sally's. So how would this fair? OR would I need to have 2 separate weight groups?Thanks for the help with the mathematics here =)

How to Dance to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

You are right, morbidly obese persons can lose weight faster without endangering their health than those who are "merely" obese. I'd say do it as percentages, with 100% being all the weight one of you has to lose to get into the normal range. For example let's say Jim needs to lose 50 lbs and Mary 100 lbs. It would be easier for Mary to lose 10 lbs in the same time frame that Jim loses 5, but as a percentage they both lost the same.Whoever reaches normal body weight first, wins.

Can I lose 10 pounds In a month if I try?

So I'm 15 5'6 and 132 pounds, I really want to lose 10 pounds before homecoming which is in a little less than a month. Most of my fat is belly fat so I do mostly cardio. I exercise 3-4 times a week for an hour each time. Also I try and eat healthily. I've been doing this for more than a year and managed to lose 15 pounds but lately it's slowed down dramatically. I think it's because it's harder to lose weight when you weigh less. So can I meet my goal? And what do you suggest to kick start my weight loss again? Thank you so much!

How to Create a Meal Plan to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

Definitely, I lost 3lbs a week by eating 1000 calories a day and doing cardio 4x a week I suggest eating less calories then eating healthy if you want I lose weight faster because your body isn't consuming as much so you won't bloat out hope I helped, good luck

Other Answers:

  • Oh yes. The first 30-40 punds are the easy iest . But it'll be hard work
  • okay hears the problem.. the reason you stop loosing weight after you lost those 15 pounds is because your metabolism got use to your diet.. whenever that happens you need to eat less and less calories but never go under 1200 as then you will go into starvation mode and actually gain weight because your body gets a signal or you starving which makes it think that you're dying and then uses all the fat up it can as possible.. for the calories intake this is what you do.. for example lets say you're currently eating 1800 calories.. to loose some pounds cut that down to about 1600 calories... then when you can't seem to loose anymore weight after switching from to 1600 cut that down to 1500 and then 1400 and then 1300.. i'd stay at 1300 calories a day its your safest bet.. never go straight down to 1200 or 1300 it will mess you up.. the second you eat more then that is the second your body thinks that its in starvation mode and will use those extra calories to gain as much weight possible...

Not losing weight at all?

Hi there,So I need to know what I need to do to lose weight. I had a baby 3 months ago and have been back at my before pregnant weight since 3 weeks post partum. When I got the OK, I started going to the gym four times a week- always at least for an hour....sometimes for two. I do spinning and a few strength training classes. I have cut out wheat (it makes me bloat), meat, and dairy. Well, I'm restrictive on dairy because I really love the occasional ice cream cone or wheat-free (yes, there's such a thing) pizza. After all of this, I am still not losing weight. I know there is weight to lose....well there's belly fat to lose. I am 5ft 4 inches and weigh 120 pounds. Before getting married, I always weighed 110 or less. HELP

How to Lose Weight in Your Cheeks

Recommended Answer:

You don't have a lot of weight to lose. And it sounds like you know what foods are good for you and those which are not. Obviously eating a healthy diet, avoiding junk foods, and sodas help in losing weight. The occasional cheat of an ice cream cone is fine, in fact a cheat day here and there is ok as well.What you need to do is focus in on your muscles, on your abs and so on and remember our abs / core areas moves us, whenever we sit down, get up, stand or bend over these muscles and more are involved.Here is a page that is packed full of great tips, ideas and information of great value.It's an extensive read, and very inspiring and motivating - a true life story, with real great advice in maintaining a healthy lifestyle long term.It's worth looking into. The title of the page is for women over a certain age, but it applies to anyone really. I'm sure you'll find information that you can start applying today.

Other Answers:

  • Haha well for one there really isn't THAT much to lose ur at a nice weight but, if u wanna Lose it you have to get on a strict diet of all veggies no fruits (high in sugar) and no pasta, meat like chicken beef and fish r fine also at the gym focus on cardio cardio cardio that'll make you losse it fast and remember to DO NOT drink your calories, only water!!!
  • How to Lose Weight Fast - How I lost 8 pounds in 2 weeks Thanks for your support guys. If you need to lose weight fast like me (especially us women) this was the program I used: It costs less than 5 pizzas haha (and I don't eat pizza anymore though). The program wasn't extremely intense like what I thought initially, and I'm really really happy with the result. Make a decision and stick to it! If an ordinary girl like me can do it, you can too!Thanks Dr. Charles:

How to lose weight, but still keep my muscle?

I'm 5'4 and 160lbs and muscular, but I want to be skinny and fit. I don't have a big belly, it's small, but there's some fat there and some on my pecs. I want to be able to keep most of my muscle,and just lose the fat, I think something around 140lbs or 130 would be nice for me. I'm running/walking for about a hour, but now I'm doing it 5 days instead of 3 a week. and I'm cutting my meals in half. Think this is healthy? I'm still having 5 meals, morning is milk and apples or grapes and fried eggs in the morning. Then I take two small snacks ( usually bananas, peaches, and pears.) and then my lunch is always rice with fish curry or chicken curry, and for dinner I also have rice once again with this type of stew called dal. And that's my diet. I'm keeping the same diet, but cutting my portions in half. Would this make me loose a lot my muscle? Or is there other ways?

How to Lose Weight With Shift Work

Recommended Answer:

Well to minimize your muscle loss while dieting, you'll probably want to consider several factors...For one, you'll want to focus on your diet. You'll need to be burning more calories than you consume, but by eating in a way that will not cause your body to catabolize muscle as a fuel source. If you were strictly dieting, then to accomplish this, it would require you to only restrict enough calories to force your body to use some of your body fat to fuel your activities at times, but not restrict them too much to where your body will sense that it needs to sacrifice some muscle tissue (which is your main calorie burner) in an effort to avoid starvation and death. If it senses starvation, your body will choose to cut off the main calorie burning source (the muscle), before it chooses to cut off the calorie source itself (fat supply). This would lead to an eventual slowing of the rate at which fat is being burned, and also a loss of muscle of course.Slowing of metabolism is a dieter's worst enemy, the faster your metabolism is going, the more calories you will burn, and the more likely it is that your body will choose body fat as a fuel source. When the body goes into starvation mode, internal processes lean towards preferring muscle as the fuel source as opposed to fat as a survival mechanism. This is obviously the thing you are trying to avoid. But in this case you are choosing to exercise, and one thing about fat loss is... it's much easier to burn it off than it is to starve it off. It takes time for the body to slip into starvation mode, as it is a result of metabolic changes which happen within your body, and those take some time to come into effect. That can happen within a week or so, but not within the period of a few hours... which is when you're burning a large amount of calories during physical activity. So you'll want to take advantage of that, and make the time that you exercise the time when your body will be at it's greatest calorie deficit, by exercising on an empty stomach and forcing the body to use body fat as the primary fuel source. Try not to eat 2 hours before you exercise. During the time when you're not exercising, you will still restrict calories, but not to an extreme degree. This will keep your metabolism going strong, and will keep your muscles fed and replenished, which will keep them from being broken down and/or used as fuel. Also, it may be helpful to spread your food intake out into smaller meals, eaten more frequently throughout the day. If you're eating 3 right now, then try to take the same amount of food that you're eating in those 3 meals, and divide it into 4 or 5 meals instead. This will help your body to burn the calories more efficiently, and will also keep it in a more constant calorie burning mode, which will keep your metabolism going stronger. So in short... restrict calories, but not too low. Eating a very small amount of food will work great at first, but eventually that will slow down and lead to an outcome as I've explained. And, workout on an empty stomach, and also be sure to replenish your body well with good nutrition after exercise. Post workout meals are the most crucial ones you can eat, as this is the time when you need to give the body the nutrients it needs to heal itself after the stress of exercise. So don't skimp on meals post workout, save the bulk of your calorie restriction for times other than this. And finally, choose meal sizes that will nourish your body sufficiently and give you energy, but will still leave you feeling hungry before you eat your next meal. This will let you know that you are in a calorie deficit, and that your body is probably having to use fat as fuel at the time. And, eating smaller meals more frequently throughout the day will probably lead to more success in fat loss.

Other Answers:

  • To start i would research a more balanced diet and also find out what your "maintenance calorie intake" is, this is the required amount of calories to maintain the weight you are at. . once you have found this out reduce it by 150 - 200 cals keeping it higher protein moderate carbs and lower fats. This should reduce weight at a rate which allows you to maintain as much muscle mass as possible. When weightloss slows, take another 50-100 cals off. . . remember this is a SLOW process!

How to gain weight so my muscles can show?

Im a 18 year old guy im 5'9 and weigh 125 pounds i eat 3 solid meals a day and a lil extra in between i lift weights and do push ups but nothing shows because i have no weight and i look scrawny and little and im tierd of looking like this what should i do ?

How to Fast to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

Gaining muscle takes the same amount of focus and preparation as losing weight. Some important facts about gaining muscle: •You can't necessarily gain muscle without gaining some fat as well. •There are no magic foods, powders or pills that will allow you to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. Some people can do this naturally (again, the genes), but most will gain some fat along with the muscle. •Your body is very different from a bodybuilder--trying to gain mass to look like them is not the best idea. They have different muscle fibers than you and some may even be getting a little help from illegal substances. •If you're a teenager, you'll have a hard time changing your body dramatically. It's changing constantly and it will change even more as the years pass. •Gaining weight requires eating more and lifting more Gaining muscle requires that you eat more calories than you burn. For those with high metabolisms, that may seem impossible, but if you try a few of these tricks, you'll find that adding calories to your day is easier than you think:•Choose calorie-rich foods like granola, bagels, biscuits, avocados, olives, corn, meat, nuts, peanut butter, milk, yogurt and cheese. •Add extra calories to your meals by using milk instead of water for soups, sauces and hot cereals. •Sprinkle powdered milk into casseroles. •Add calorie-rich foods (like avocado, cheese and dressing) to sandwiches and salads •Mix beans, meat or cheese into pasta or side dishes •Snack on yogurt, shakes, crackers and dip •Keep a food diary for a week or so to get an idea of what you're eating and where you can add more calories The trick is to add calories without adding too much saturated fat. You can also consider downing smoothies or meal replacement shakes in between meals.Lift, Lift, LiftOnce you get your calories under control, you need to start liftingweights. This will help you gain more muscle and help minimize theamount of fat you gain (although you should expect to gain some fatas well). Folks trying to gain muscle should: •Lift heavy. This means lifting enough weight that you can only complete about 6-8 repetitions of each exercise. The last few reps should be difficult--the last one should be really hard, but not impossible. •Have longer recovery periods between sets •Have more recovery days between workouts •Use spotters to avoid injury •Continue with cardio, but keep it at maintenance level--around 2-3 days of cardio a week to keep your heart in shape •Start with a full body program 2-3 nonconsecutive days a week, if you're a beginner. Allow your body a few weeks to get used to lifting weights before you tackle more intense routines.

Other Answers:

  • First gain muscle do a lot of weight ... Gaining muscle doesn't mean you are going to be ripped if you want to get ripped you need to do lots of reps not necessarily with really heavy weights
  • Smoke weed and eat potato chips everyday!
  • Its takes months to show results mate if you want naturally! workout 5 days a week eat eat eat for enough calories. take protein shakes. sleep 8 hours. eat healthy foods only!

How do i balance school and a diet?

im in highschool, i'm 15, 5,7 and 139 lbs.i was 136..but had was over at a friends birthday and of course there was nothing healthy to eat. only cakes, pizza and i gained it all back.. i just started school on monday and i have been at the same weight since then. during the summer i would eat small snacks thorough out the day to kept me i am only eating three times a day.i eat special k's cereal (strawberries) and half a banana for breakfast. around 12:40 or so i eat a banana (usually) or crackers and cheese. and maybe one or two french fries from my friends, just so i know i will have enough for the day. then at 3 i would have crackers and peanut butter, and at 6 i would eat my cereal again. (or i may just eat cereal at 3 and that be it because i get pretty full fast)i know for sure this is not all the calories i should be gettingbut i have no clue what to doi can't eat anything in class because it's not i walk a fast pace every night for an hour around 7.still not losing anything :(any tips on what i could do? i desperately need this...

How to Reduce Body Fat Without Losing Weight

Recommended Answer:

Eat fruit: Apples, grapes, strawberries, bananasEat veggies: Celery, carrots, etc.You will def lose weight.

How can I gain 10 pounds in a month?

I am 19 years old and weigh 107 pounds. I need to consume 1547 calories daily in order to maintain my weight, so how many calories would i have to consume daily in order to gain 10 pounds in a month? I am really desperate to gain some weight

How to Burn Body Fat and Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

Sugar. Increasing your sugar intake will lead to rapid weight gain. Also, alchol with fatty food is another way to shutdown fat oxidisation and make that fat get stored.In theory to gain 1lb you need to eat 3500 extra calories. If your maintance was around 1500, then to gain 1lb a week you'd need to eat 2000 calories a day. 2500 calories a day would have you gaining 2lbs. 3000 daily would cause you to gain 3lbs a week.

Other Answers:

  • Stuff your face.
  • Avocado! Healthy and used by most people who are trying to maintain weight. It's a simply little remedy, if you want something complex try Ensure. Yeah a lot of elders use it but when I was a child I couldn't gain weight and was beyond unhealthy, so my parents gave me three a day and I blew up as a kid lol, so be careful but it will help! Cheap, easy ways.
  • stay away from mass gainers and that **** , this is full of tons of sugars and tons of waste of money but u can make ur own home made shake if u were looking for gains and try to take 1 gram of protein per poundi would first buy multivitamins the best in the market is opti mencreatine monohydrate the best in the market is optimum creatine monohydratewhey protein the best is optimum gold standard and also casein protein , the gold standard works well after and before work out and casein protein is the best before sleep for recovery and gain muscle and if u need to gain weight i will recommend u mix the whey protein powder with2 cups of milk 2 scoops of protein 60 gram 2 natural table spoon of peanut butter 2 bananas 1 cup of old fashioned oat meal 5 strawberriesPunch of almonds2 table spoons of youghurtthe total calories of these are about 1500 calorie if u don't need that much u can get rid of peanut butter or strawberriesi wish i helped , train hard , lift heavy don't miss squats , dead lifts :D

How do I get my parents to take my depression/social anxiety seriously?

I'm 16 now, and this has been quite a summer for me. I've been seeing about 10-15 different doctors multiple times for various health issues. Some of them, like chronic headaches, have been going on for a while. Others, such as food allergy, fatigue, and weight loss have been more recent. In short, the summer's been spent seeing one doctor after another. But the things that are troubling me aren't physical, but mental.I'm pretty sure I have social anxiety. I feel really uncomfortable around people I don't know really well, I do bad in one on one conversations, and I do a lot to avoid interacting with people. The killer, though, is depression. In the last few months it's been the worst. I'll frequently think of terrible things happening like loved ones dying or a disaster destroying the home. Graphic, disgusting images pop into my head for no reason. I obsess over past mistakes I've made that lead to painful or embarrassing moments. I get bored or discouraged when doing things I used to enjoy. I have a hard time enjoying myself, because I involuntarily think of something that can or eventually will happen that just makes me depressed. The depression is absolutely the biggest issue to me, and I think it's getting really serious. I told my mom about this a week or two ago, but she never did anything about it. I know that she's extremely busy keeping track of my other health issues and the doctors who try to treat me. But right now I don't care that I'm losing weight at an unhealthy rate, or that I don't ever have energy, or that I get headaches every day. the depression is terrible, and I can't enjoy life anymore.I usually don't make a big deal about personal problems and I rarely have serious talks with my parents (my mom describes me as "laid back," and though I hate that description of myself, it's true) but I need to make them realize that depression is ruining my life and is more important than physical issues. How do I convince them?I haven't told them about my social anxiety yet, but when I do, I doubt they'll take it seriously, either.

How to Use Free Weights to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

Dear Barney,I'm sorry to hear about all of your health problems. Throughout my childhood, I had surgery after surgery and was hospitalized countless times. From that, I can relate to your feelings. However, you've not been very specific about what types of physicians and the diagnoses they've given. Because of this, I cannot customize my response to your problems.Here's the points I'd like to make:1. The symptoms you describe can occur from depression alone. Headaches, fatigue, and weight loss are common presenting symptoms in those suffering with depression and/or anxiety.2. If you have serious underlying health problems, your physicians should order tests to rule out more serious, potentially life-threatening causes for your symptoms. Which tests are appropriate is not something I can tell you unfortunately. It's also possible that your symptoms are from more than one cause. Many health problems have similar symptoms. 3. All medications have the potential to cause side effects. If you're on medications chronically, it's important to inquire about possible side effects. You could start with your local pharmacist if you'd like.4. Chronic, bothersome symptoms shouldn't go untreated. Chronic headaches, for example, can be very bothersome and disruptive. It's important to advocate for yourself in order to reduce or eliminate any discomfort. Long-term pain issues can cause or be a significant contribution to depressive disorders. Finally--the advice you've been asking for: I would make an appointment with your primary care physician to discuss recent psychological symptoms. By getting your care providers involved, they will help convey a sense of importance to your parent(s). This may be all that is needed to convince them. Good luck!Sincerely,TRS

Other Answers:

  • Maybe talk to a school counselor if they don't listen?

Where can I find motivation to lose weight?

I really need to lose about 40 pounds. I've needed to lose it for the last few years. I have tried several different diets, but my motivation wains after a few weeks into it. I love food and I really don't know how to say, "no". I really need some helpful tips on how to stay motivated to lose the weight. I know it's a lot of weight and I know I would feel better once the weight was gone, but that does not stop me from eating foods that aren't good for me and in large amounts. What kind of motivation tips can you share with me to help me lose weight?

How to Set Weight Loss Goals

Recommended Answer:

First, try not to get discouraged. You CAN lose the weight; many people have tried diet after diet, only to find success after many failures. If you maintain a "can do" attitude, even when things get difficult, you are much more likely to be successfulStart by setting a goal for yourself. Initially, a 40 pound weight loss might be overwhelming. Instead, attempt to lose ten pounds in eight weeks. That's a manageable (and safe!) goal. Chart your weight loss efforts, weighing in every few days. Remember, there will be some fluctuation, which is why a chart is important; it will help keep you motivated over time.Set up a system of rewards. Obviously, food is something that you love. What else do you enjoy but don't often get to do (or receive)? Reward yourself after a one pound, five pound and then ten pound weight loss. If possible, the rewards should get progressively bigger. Good luck on your weight loss journey. It won't always be easy, but it's possible!

Other Answers:

  • go to youtube and type in"Athlete motivation and watch at least 3 different videos!

Would this be considered an eating disorder?

I've always been skinny and used to eat like a horse and would never gain weight. But now I hardly ever eat. I don't starve myself but sometimes I can go 2 maybe 3 days without eating something. And usually when I do eat I don't eat a lot but I eat enough to fill me up. Now that school has started I don't have a lunch, I'm try a graduate early so that's why. But my dad usually buys snacks for me to take to school and I usually don't eat them. I also don't eat breakfast. Sometimes after school I eat once or I don't. But would this be considered as some kind of eating disorder? I also have never been chubby or anything so it's not like I purposely don't eat..

How to Lose Weight By Eating Fruits

Recommended Answer:

I agree with the previous posters. You need to eat. I was once like you. I never, ever worried or even thought about when I ate. I was thin my entire life. It wasn't that I tried not to eat, I just wasn't very hungry. I didn't even notice I wasn't eating. In my eyes, I was eating when I was hungry and, not eating when I was full... what's the problem?The problem is that now, I'm 45 years old with a BELLY! The hormones will kick in. To most people, I am not fat. But, for someone like me.. who was never overweight, it's a big deal. Eat but, make sure you eat as much fresh food as possible. Processed food is the enemy here. This is not a crusade but, my experience. I grew up on processed food and, I was NEVER overweight. But, now, I am (to me). I think these things build up in your body over years. I now have a belly and, I have never had one before.

Other Answers:

  • I believe some people can go on without eating very much. It all depends on your body. You have to realize that when you do this, you are risking the health of your children. If you are a girl, this could cause serious health problems to your kids. But, with that aside, I don't think it's an eating disorder.
  • It is an eating disorder. I'm guessing your still a teenager . During this time you are still growing. Even if you aren't hungry, try to eat. It's only healthy for you and it will help you grow.
  • yes I would say so. food is fuel. you wouldn't run a car on empty xx
  • i don't believe that this is an eating disorder - rather it is just unhealthy eating.your body needs carbs, proteins, and healthy fats to function at its best.
  • Yes, that is an eating disorder.Please see your doctor.Or wait for someone online to tell you that you are OK.This is not OK. See your doctor.

Do varicose veins/spider veins go away without surgery?

My mom has them and my sister is starting to get them, as am I. I'm about 45-50 lbs heavier than I should be at an ideal bmi of 21.5 so I know that's another major contributor besides genetics, but I've noticed that some days they're more noticeable than others. When I jump on the trampoline or run on the treadmill, I can barely see anything on my legs besides the usual veins that stand out against my skin. When I haven't done much but stay on the computer, they look kinda like a faded redish-purple bruise with a distinctive vein-pattern in them--and they usually only appear on my right leg. At this point, are they already permanent like my mom's, only removable by surgery? Or if I continue weight loss will they disappear entirely? I've heard fish oil supplements is good for increasing blood flow and fighting them. Is this true? Any other recommendations and tips to slow/get rid of spider veins?

How to Reduce Body Fat Without Losing Weight

Recommended Answer:

Horse chestnut seed extract is a natural remedy for varicose veins and spider veins. It contains aescin which restores vein tone and increases circulation.

Other Answers:

  • I started getting varicose and spider veins when I was pregnant. I was too embarrassed to wear shorts or skirts because of them. Yes they say surgery or laser treatments can remove them, but hey, those could be quite expensive. A friend of mine who used to be overweight had the same issues with varicose veins. She recommended VARIDERM to me which she has been using for a couple of months now. I went on their website and was very impressed that they had several packages that I could choose from, plus they have a 60 day money back guarantee. I didn't think twice about ordering their 6 bottle offer with the VARICREAM, and happy to say, I've been shopping for skirts after I've been using it for just 3 months

How can I get these ladies bodies and look a bit like them?(no hate comment)?

Marilyn Monroe, Bettie Page, Jenny McCarthy, Pamela Anderson, Anna Nicole Smith, Jayne Mansfield, Marie MacDonald, Betty Bromser, Sophia Loren, Elizabeth Taylor, Lena Horne, Audrey Hepburn,Betty Grable,Rita Hayworth,Barbara Stanwyck, Jane Russell, Betty Bromser and Sophia Loren. Not exactly like them just similar....escpecially their bodies....I have a curvy body,my tummy's flat but I have love handles my thighs are thick,I'm a 36 DD....I'm 70 kilos (156lbs)....I'm 1.76m(5ft4inc)....any advice?

How to Help Your Dachshund Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

Firstly remember to drink lots of water (average around 8 cups daily). Have a glass before every meal to stop overeating.You must eat lots of protein- meat such as chicken and other sources of protein is from beans such as lentils and also eat nuts. Also take a multivitamin with dinner. Eat fresh salads and vegetables with dinner and as snacks. Celery is a great snack as it has next to no calories and includes vitamins. (Note that you should avoid cheese, sugary cereals and bread-especially white)For exercise you should aim to do 60-100 sit ups daily, don't do too much as your muscles need time to heal. This is a great way of burning belly fat and tones the muscle. If you have a stationary bike use it for 30 minutes daily (doesn't have to be vigorous) this loses fat from thighs and legs also gives them nice definition. (Toned thighs are sexy!) If you don't have a bike go jogging or running for 30 minutes daily because it has the same effect!Good luck!!

Other Answers:

  • When the fuck has 1.76m been 5ft 4 considering that 2m is 6ft 6. 1.76 is more like 5ft 7 maybe even 5ft 8. In answer to your question work out that is the only way to become curvy.
  • How do you have a flat stomach at 5'4 and 156 pounds.... ?
  • Take the feedbag off...

What is the best SSRI after swapping from Paxil (which was great), but made me gain weight?

I have been on Paxil (paroxetine) 20mg for three months and have unfortunately put on 8kgs. This medication does absolute wonders for my anxiety and panic attacks but the weight gain is starting to get me down. I train 6 days a week and have been eating healthy but the weight just won't go away. Has anyone had this problem and has changed to a different AD which was as effective for anxiety and panic attacks but did not affect their weight, or even better helped them loose weight?

How to Lose Weight Fast Without Buying Anything

Recommended Answer:

It really depends on the person, however you may want to talk to your doctor about Lexapro as an option. Strongly suggest not using Effexor as many people i have talked to gained weight from it and also it was very rough on them.

Lean muscle and weight loss question?

So the topic is quite simple. I'm a 16 year old student who's planning to get lean and lose weight. Not exactly sure if that is basically the same thing. At this point, I'm wondering what supplements would you guys recommend for my journey. I'm 170 pounds and planning on slimming down to 145. I used to be in the 150s then gained 43 pounds due to my medication,and lost 23 pounds. Well I don't know about cutting to 145 but definitely seeking to be in great shape. So what would you guys advise me to do?

How to Lose Weight With the Master Cleanse

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I'm done with my weight loss journey and completely happy with how I feel and how I look right now however losing weight is a challenge for anyone and even losing 5 pounds and keeping it off isn't an easy task. Also I bet you didn't know that 5 pounds of fat is about the size of 8 cheese burgers? That alone should be enough to make anyone want to get on the ball and start a change for the better. Weight loss can be really easy to learn but the problem is nobody wants to put the required effort that is needed to actually do it, instead people continually look for (easy) ways to do it. If there was an easy way to lose weight I don't think 35% of Americans would be obese. There was a time when I also wanted to lose weight and was tired of starting diets only to lose motivation and give up just a few weeks later after seeing no results. However, let me tell you it is literally one of the easiest things you will ever learn once you find a good and reputable place to learn it from and I say that only because the world is filled with magic diet pills, liquid flush diets and a thousand other quick fixes that promise xx pounds of weight loss in the first week and even though it is impossible they know you're going to do it because your desperate. I have probably tried every diet pill, liquid flush diet, and ab rocket machine known to man and have had no success with any of them nor do I know anyone that has ever had any success with them. I have also tried starving myself which works very well for the first few weeks' right before your metabolism comes to a complete stop and eating just the tiny bit makes you gain weight and you end up weighing more than you did before you started starving yourself. Companies promote weight loss to make money not to get people healthy again and that's because they know you're not going to be a customer and buy their products if you're no longer fat. is a site I want you to go to when you have 10 or 20 minutes to spare and I want you to sit down and watch his video on weight loss. He helps people every day to lose weight I have never seen someone as committed as him and that will go so far out of his way to help someone. His weight loss program is one of the best I have ever had the enjoyment of doing and it is without doubt the best success I have ever had with any weight loss program. I also couldn't be happier with my body right now and I have never felt this wonderful in my whole life. In the end you just got to remember to stick with it and stay confident in yourself and in no time you can achieve the results you have always wanted. It's not hard to lose weight but most people have a hard time staying motivated and 9 times out of 10 it was because they weren't really committed from the beginning. Anyways I hope I helped you and I hope you make the commitment to change your body and life. Remember it's not easy to take the first step but you did, you're here right now taking it and the rest of the steps will fall into place. Have a wonderful day.

Other Answers:

  • Hi Nathan,There is a couple of thing`s you should do. And yes, you can have lean muscle and lose weight at the same time.I don't think you should diet, just make small changes to your current eating habits, where you can include whey protein (It's better if you can find one without any flavor)to your meals during the day.Don't eat during the night, because if you do, your body will lose the ability to burn fat.About exercising, I recommend you should contact your doctor first, and ask him about excercises like Shaun T's Focus T25.I hope some of this helps,Kind Regards,Alexander

Are innings limit for young starting pitchers really necessary?

Recent history:Clayton Kershaw at 22: 204.1 inningsFelix Hernandez at 22: 200.2 inningsMadison Bumgarner at 22: 204.2 inningsCC Sabathia at 22: 210.0 innings (his regression this year is probably due to natural age regression or even his weight loss)They're all fine.Harvey, Strasburg and Zimmermann all got forcibly nurtured throughout the early portion of their careers. The latter two has gotten Tommy John and Harvey will probably join them.

How to Lose Weight by Walking

Recommended Answer:

I have given this matter much thought and would like to point out the similarities of Clayton Kershaw, Felix Hernandez, Madison Baumgarner, and CC Sabathia.1. All four were extremely talented and had marvelous movement on their basic pitches from the get-go.2. All four are not just strikeout machines, they know how to pitch.3. All four had minor command issues initially, but now they as a group walk many fewer batters than league average.4. All four have very smooth uncomplicated mechanics and never look like pitching is hard work.5. All four are a great combination of power and finesse pitching.Plus, three are left handed and murder left hand hitters and have such great movement on the last ten feet of their pitches that they baffle the Hell out of right handed hitters too. Felix does the same thing to right handed hitters and that wicked movement of his pitches baffles left handers.The other group seem to be strictly power pitchers and have extremely herky jerky violent looking deliveries and their elbows are first to go and then later shoulder woes lay them low.This type of pitcher when young must be monitored closely and sometimes even that isn't enough.The only thing I can think of to help these type pitchers is to teach command and stop overthrowing.Let their natural stuff do the work, not their arms.

Other Answers:

  • Well its too soon to tell to be honest. The reason for the innings count is to save young pitchers arms for the future.
  • I think they are. In the 50s when I played little league, we could pitch till we got tired or were pulled. I was the only kid that could throw a curve, but was not allowed to in a game. By the time I went into the Army, I could only pitch 3 or 4 innings before my arm started hurting.Years later, I found out I blew a rotator cuff.
  • Bob Gibson threw 300+ innings in his prime.Welcome to todays world. I think the leader in complete games has 3 or 4. Because "the last 3 outs are hard to get". They put too much pressure on them. Even the best pitchers in the game said it is not a problem at all. They say it would have happened whether he threw 1 pitch or 300 innings. I think the max innings should be around 250-300 innings. But the guys controlling them are not doctors or former players but the GM's protecting their "stock" because they are afraid they will go bankrupt.
  • Then again, there are plenty of young pitchers who threw a lot of innings and then imploded: Tim Lincecum, Dice-K, Brandon Webb, Dontrelle Willis, Mark Prior, Kerry Wood...Edit: Bob Gibson didn't have his first 200+ inning season until he was 25; and he only threw 300 innings twice, at 32 and 33.
  • Necessary no.Prudent yes, particularly if there is a goal of having that young SP become an old and still effective SP.
  • It's an evaluation that must be taken individually. I am a true believer that Tommy John surgery is a direct result of pitching mechanics or the lack of good pitching mechanics. None of the three you've mentioned actually throw with the power of their legs. It's all in the elbow, much like a slingshot effect. Note one Tom Seaver, perhaps the greatest mechanics of any pitcher who ever lived. His power was in his legs and he went on to win over 300 games with little if any real difficulty. Pitch count and innings pitched is again a direct result of high paid pitching coaches not recognizing the real problem and allowing their aces to gradually ruin their arms.As for Kershaw, Hernandez Bumgarner and CC, only time will tell. I think you're right about CC, maybe he does need to regain his weight which might very well restore his edge.
  • How to Lose Weight With Human Growth Hormone InjectionsYou will visit a local clinic, just like the ones we have in CA, for a blood test and physical examination. Our highly experienced doctors are able to review the results electronically as soon as they are completed.If you want to know more about weight loss, you should visit our site.Dr. Benjamin Trapton
  • Well cc isn't young and Felix Hernandez has a elbow issue in the off-season
  • Billy Martin would laugh at this babying....and have his starters slated for eight innings a game. Look on many game stats - young hurlers are sometimes lucky to get through five innings due to pitch counts comparable to those found in the LLWS.

Tips On Juicing To Lose Weight?

So, I'm interested in adding juicing to my daily routine. I think it would be a great way to add a bit more fruit to my diet, even though I eat plain fruit, too. I have done some reading on it, but there is a ton of information on the subject. I'm not sure where to begin. Does anyone have any tips on using juicing as a part of a weight loss regimen? Also, if anyone has any delicious juice recipes that they would like to share that are effective for weight loss, I'd appreciate that, too. Thanks for all the help.

How to Break a Weight Loss Plateau

Recommended Answer:

Juicing offer you a way to get the maximum amount of nutrients out of your fruits and vegetables. You mention juicing fruit, but did you know that you can make some delicious drinks using a combination of vegetables and fruit juices? By incorporating both fruits and vegetables, you can maximize the vitamins and minerals in your juice drink. By combining spinach with apples, cinnamon and carrots you will get a delicious drink that is filled with fiber, iron and vitamins A and C. In addition to juicing for weight loss, many people have successfully juiced to relieve the symptoms associate with a variety of illnesses, including arthritis and gout.

Husband is a personal trainer feel like he wants me to eat to much?

Ok so here goes. I just had my third child six weeks ago. After having them I am ready to start working on getting healthy and getting my body back. I trust my husband on the working out part but feel like he wants me eating too much and I'm afraid I'm going to gain weight so I just want another opinion. He has me eating every three hours which I know that is right but it's the good I'm eating that's my concern. For example for breakfast I will have one egg with a slice of cheese and piece of bread. Then three hours later I will have a slice of toast with 1tbsp peanut butter and a fruit. Then for lunch I will eat one of those smart one meals. Then three hours later I will have a granola bar then in another three hours half of a potato and baked chicken...does this sound right for losing weight and gaining muscle?

How to Lose Weight With Tea

Recommended Answer:

Sounds about right. Just make sure you get at least 0.8g proten/body weight. You didn't mention your workout schedule, but I'll assume it leaves you with a caloric deficit. If you're honestly worried about gaining fat from this diet, then you can make some small alterations. For example, instead of eating that whole egg for breakfast, replace it with 3 poached egg whites in the microwave. That's 5g less of fat and no cholesterol, and with double the protein. Instead of the potato, which is a starchy carbohydrate, for dinner, replace it with a salad or mixed vegetables with the chicken, which will result in 1/3 less carbs.

Other Answers:

  • Well depending on the size of the cheese slice, potato, and egg you are taking in about 1300 calories. If you are exercising and not just lying around all day then this is sufficient for you to work on your muscle tone and lose weight. I am a male, larger than you, but I burn up about 1500 doing absolutely nothing besides sitting, sleeping and eating. Note: I do more than that and actually burn about 2800 calories per day. But if I DID nothing else it would be 1500.
  • You're not really eating all that much food put together. If you are beginning to do some postpartum workouts, then you do have to fuel those workouts. And if you are breastfeeding, you definitely want to eat plenty.Honestly, the thing that seems a little off with your food choices is not the quantity, it's the quality of a couple of the food times. You'll get fit faster if you avoid processed foods like the granola bars and Smart Ones meals (they really aren't that smart). The sodium can make you retain water like crazy.I am 3 months postpartum right now and I've just really gotten into getting my body back. I've lost weight seriously before-- lost 45-50 pounds before pregnancy and kept it off for a couple years before pregnancy. So in my experience, the best way to lose weight is this:1) Eat only whole, natural foods. Egg, cheese, chicken, fruit, peanut butter (assuming it's natural peanut butter)-- those are the things you've listed that are good. Where are your veggies though? They're filling and full of nutrients and low in calories. Win win win.2) Don't eat grains. I'm not an Atkins fanatic or a South Beach diet fanatic... or any kind of diet fanatic, really. I just find that if I quit eating bread, cereal, rice, pasta, and other grains, I lose weight very quickly. When I add the grains back in, I usually maintain wherever I am.
  • You have the right to make your own food decisions. If you prefer to eat three times a day, follow your natural proclivities. While it is recommended by many to eat frequently, if it isn't natural to you, it isn't wisest. You can check with your doctor, so that when you tell your husband about your decision, you can use some authority to back you up if necessary. Otherwise, just say it.

How much weight can I lose in a week eating 500 calories?

I'm 5'2, 125lbs, female & 16. Don't preach, I know the cons. I want an actually answer so if you're going to rant about it being unhealthy or whatever please just don't comment.

How to Lose Weight as a Kid

Recommended Answer:

A lot in the 1st week (1 or more lbs), some in the 2nd week, a little in the 3rd week, and then the loss trails off.And when you start eating normally again, watch out!If we could only lose weight - as much as we want -- by just cutting calories. I agree that it works, but doesn't seem to be permanent solution.In theory, a lb of fat is about 3,500 cals. So, in theory, cutting 3,500 cals a week -- we'd lose a lb every week, for as long as we want. However, in practice, the body eventually adjusts to the new caloric intake.Still, diet is 75% of my weight loss success. Wish there was an easier/simpler answer.

What's the best way to loose weight (preferably stomach)?

Since January I learned I have gained almost 15 pounds. I don't like the way my stomach looks and I'm tired of people saying I'm fat. I'm only fifteen and diets aren't really ideal. I don't control what my parents buy and I have two sisters who eat the food too. I need things I can to do help shed the weight in my stomachPs- I do bike a lot and I like to do yoga

How to Lose Weight If You Are in a Wheelchair

Recommended Answer:

It is good that you do bike and yoga,so keep doing both of them as they will help you to lose weight fast.Eat next foods that will help you lose get a flat stomachnonfat yogurt- cantaloupe- mango- papaya- mini bananas- avocado.

Other Answers:

  • You can't control what you eat maybe, but you CAN control portion size. Make sure to only take one serving and not snack between meals. Also eat things that are good for you first, such as fruits and veggies to fill you up at the beginning of the meal. Also, drink a lot of water. The more hydrated you are the less your stomach will rumble.Also keep exercising like you do, try to exercise for 1 hour a day

What is a proven way of losing weight?

I know people will say exercising and I am participating in a regular workout program. Yet, I was hoping people have additional advice beyond exercising.What about my diet? I have got rid of those pesky foods with high levels of fat that are delicious, but bad for your health. However, I know there should be more to this than just cutting.What kinds of foods should I be eating to reduce weight? Should I be counting calories or is that excessive?I want to get this right because losing weight is important to me at the moment. Hope you can help!

How to Lose Weight in Just 4 Weeks

Recommended Answer:

You are on the right track thinking that there are certain types of foods you should be eating to help you in your weight loss endeavors. For example, when you eat soup, try to stick with ones that have big chunks of vegetables in them rather than creamy or pureed soups. It's always better to chew your calories than to simply drink them.Another food to focus on is yogurt. It is high in protein and available in low-fat or fat-free versions. It is so versatile that you can use it in salad dressings, smoothies and cooking. Make sure you buy plain yogurt though and add your own fruit. The ones with fruit in them can end up having a lot more calories than you would think.Drinking milk can also aid in weight loss. Again, it is high in protein, so it helps you feel full. Also, drinking a glass of milk before your meal will take the edge off your hunger and help you to eat less during that meal.

Other Answers:

  • None one really knows the secret to this. You will hear lots of stuff. There will be everyone who will tell you that it is their way, it is a proven way, or do this instead of that. More than likely you will loose your money instead. It does seems to matter that you take in fewer calories than you need.
  • Honestly I lost 50 pounds and all I did was cut portions in half. No special food and I didn't do intense workouts either but then again I enjoy moving so I move all day. Just don't eat unless your stomach is growling and eat less. But for god sakes dont starve yourself!

Will jet lag make you gain weight?

I'm usually around 152 pounds and it seems like in the last week I've been home from a week long vacation to Ireland, that I've gained weight! I just weighed myself and it said 160! I run and bike almost everyday and I guess I'm close to my cycle but that's a ton of weight!!! Someone please help me?

How to Help Lose Weight Fast On A Cheap Budget

Recommended Answer:

I'll think you'll find a lack of exercise and poor eating habits make you gain weight rather than being tired from changing time zones...

Other Answers:

  • If your sleep schedule differs between the weekends and weekdays, you're likely experiencing what researchers call “social jet lag” and it could be making you fat.Social jet lag, a term coined by researchers in Europe, refers to the discrepancy between your natural body clock and your social clock — the schedule you need to keep for your job and other social commitments. If you're relying an alarm clock to wake up every morning during the week, but sleeping in on weekends, that's a good sign there's a mismatch. The end result is that your body's basically shuttling back and forth between time zones each week while you're becoming increasingly sleep-deprived.“While during the workweek [people] get too little sleep and are woken by the alarm clock in the middle of their biological night, they sleep in on the weekends in order to fill up their tanks with the sleep they need,” researcher Dr. Till Roenneberg of the University of Munich's Institute of Medical Psychology, in Germany, said in a video about the study.
  • Jet lag will not make you gain weight, usually it's the holiday diet.The quickest way to lose weight is to exercise more while eating the same amount of food. Try negative calorie foods, like celery. Your body uses more energy digesting them than you get out of them. A quick and super easy way to lose weight!

How can I get a big butt but toned theighs?

I've been doing squats everyday and I do about 40 a day. I want to look like I lost weight and have toned theighs and stomach but I also what to have a nice bum. Any ideas on what I should do? Different work outs videos? My friend has been using this power protein drink and lost 4 pounds in a week, should I try that with butt exercises?

How to Break a Weight Loss Plateau

Recommended Answer:

get a couple of dumbbells and learn how to squat. or just squat without weight like in this video. squat is the best exercise to build and tone glutes and thigh muscles. but using weight makes your muscles develop better and faster, so better use dumbbells.

Other Answers:

  • I mean for butt you just have to have it like kim kardashian or black girls.... you can only do so much inless you take like steroids or something crazy like that you should go running and work on slimming down instead its much sexier

when is it healthiest to eat with work out?

I've heard a lot of different things about when to eat if you want to lose weight. I wanna know when it's best to eat when i work out if i wanna lose weight? Before or after i go to gym? And how long should i wait? I usually like to eat after, but i want to know what's more affective for weight loss.

How to Jog to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

Eat only-veggies,fruit,oat and corns.Drink-only water and green tea! Greeen tea the most!Eat-a lot for breakfast,medium lunch,small dinner (dinner should be done till 5-6 pm)Thats it,I did it and without exercise lost in 3 weeks-1 mnth 10 kg :)

How much sleep should I get if I am trying to loose weight?

So im a freshmen in college, I'm 6'4 235lbs and was just wondering cause the only time I ever lost significant amount of weight was my Senior year in football when I ran and lifted weights almost everyday until I pucked and in those about 2-3 months i lost 30lbs

How to Lose Weight Without Counting Calories

Recommended Answer:

I'm done with my weight loss journey and completely happy with how I feel and how I look right now however losing weight is a challenge for anyone and even losing 5 pounds and keeping it off isn't an easy task. Also I bet you didn't know that 5 pounds of fat is about the size of 8 cheese burgers? That alone should be enough to make anyone want to get on the ball and start a change for the better. Weight loss can be really easy to learn but the problem is nobody wants to put the required effort that is needed to actually do it, instead people continually look for (easy) ways to do it. If there was an easy way to lose weight I don't think 35% of Americans would be obese. There was a time when I also wanted to lose weight and was tired of starting diets only to lose motivation and give up just a few weeks later after seeing no results. However, let me tell you it is literally one of the easiest things you will ever learn once you find a good and reputable place to learn it from and I say that only because the world is filled with magic diet pills, liquid flush diets and a thousand other quick fixes that promise xx pounds of weight loss in the first week and even though it is impossible they know you're going to do it because your desperate. I have probably tried every diet pill, liquid flush diet, and ab rocket machine known to man and have had no success with any of them nor do I know anyone that has ever had any success with them. I have also tried starving myself which works very well for the first few weeks' right before your metabolism comes to a complete stop and eating just the tiny bit makes you gain weight and you end up weighing more than you did before you started starving yourself. Companies promote weight loss to make money not to get people healthy again and that's because they know you're not going to be a customer and buy their products if you're no longer fat. is a site I want you to go to when you have 10 or 20 minutes to spare and I want you to sit down and watch his video on weight loss. He helps people every day to lose weight I have never seen someone as committed as him and that will go so far out of his way to help someone. His weight loss program is one of the best I have ever had the enjoyment of doing and it is without doubt the best success I have ever had with any weight loss program. I also couldn't be happier with my body right now and I have never felt this wonderful in my whole life. In the end you just got to remember to stick with it and stay confident in yourself and in no time you can achieve the results you have always wanted. It's not hard to lose weight but most people have a hard time staying motivated and 9 times out of 10 it was because they weren't really committed from the beginning. Anyways I hope I helped you and I hope you make the commitment to change your body and life. Remember it's not easy to take the first step but you did, you're here right now taking it and the rest of the steps will fall into place. Have a wonderful day.

Other Answers:

  • 8 hrs
  • At least 7 hrs, no more than 9hrs.
  • most people are good enough with 6-8 hours of sleepafter that its really not necessarydont worry about it
  • I'm not sure if you packed, picked or plucked…“Until you puked”?!? (like throw up, vomit?).When you eat your high carbs pre-workout meal, make sure to wait about 2 hours before your session as you cannot exercise properly, easily and efficiently if your stomach is still digesting food. Also eat healthy because junk food might linger longer in your stomach. If you're burping fast food 3 hours after eating it, then you might consider bending over a toilet unless you're willing to deal with it tomorrow the other way.You lost 30 pounds while lifting weights?I don't get that either as young males usually GAIN 5 pounds of mmm (muscle mass a month) lifting weights using gym weight machines.Maybe you gain 15 pounds of muscle mass and lost 45 pounds of body fat??But that would take longer than 2-3 months if you don't want to mess up your metabolism.Do not run if you weigh 235lbs. Mind your joints. Even jogging is high impact and one knee joint (ankle and hip too) has to handle twice your body size when you land…that would be 470 pounds in your case.You would need knee surgery before you get to be 40yo (like heavy American football players).You can power walk (speed walking) and always keep one foot on the ground so it's low impact.Your need for sleep would depend on your age like teens would need about 8.5 to 9.5 hours while adults need 7 to 9 hours.As long as you don't feel like a yawning zombie during the day and you're not using caffeine (a stimulant drug that will mess up your sleeping pattern for sure) to stay alert, you're fine.I cannot tell you “lie down and sleep 8 hours”…it does not work that way.When I was 16yo up to my 20s and a night owl, I slept 6 hours/night from 2am to 8am (I got a 9 to 6 job) then would go “round the clock” (12 hours) on the weekend.When I had kids and having to take care of a family and a house, my head would “hit the pillow” and I'd fall asleep right away by 11pm.I divorced my husband who was pissed off because I was like “you can have sex with me, just don't wake me up”.I could not even say that, I hit the pillow, I'm gone and he's saying something to me but I'm sleeping so he blames me for ignoring him.He could have done better like taking me out for dinner to get me in the mood or even just taking the trash out ONCE in 25 years…or, I don't know…cooking or cleaning something.Now I have a polyphasic sleep pattern (you sleep several times a day, some periods of sleep are called “naps” or “siesta”) which is the natural pattern of human sleep (like cats) before humans discovered electricity, made light bulbs to provide light at night AND don't get me started on late night TV, infomercials and going online at all hours…The polyphasic sleep pattern helps regulate stress…mostly because you don't get stressed out when you only sleep 3 or 4 hours at a time as you'll sleep again 3 or 4 hours later on so you don't think you're having insomnia waking up at 3am and thinking that you need some addictive meds.Teens often have a polyphasic sleep pattern and get branded as having some disorder or syndrome like a circadian rhythm disorder or an irregular sleep-wake syndrome.I volunteer in schools in the US to expose students to foreign languages (French, Spanish, German, Japanese, Russian…). I don't have any teaching credentials; I'm just a French person living in the US and some students are curious and have questions (please, don't ask me how to French kiss! Do you really have to learn how to stick out your tongue in someone's mouth?).I do a class but I don't grade anything or give homework just answer questions.Some students are asleep, some are texting…I tell them it's nap time, unlike toddlers in a daycare center, they don't even get a mat on the floor, more like just getting their head down on their desk (!) and only the ones interested in the French language and culture and they had a good night sleep should stay awake to ask me questions. Then I get 45 minutes of interacting with a handful of curious students, feeling like I'm enriching their lives somehow, white the rest of the class is having a nap.When you're a freshman in college, you should know how to spell "freshman" and "lose".

How Can I Get A Flat Belly Fast?

Im Not That Chubby Kinda Skinny Kinda Fat ,You Know.I Wanna Get A Flat Belly Fast Like Before Christmas.What Can I Do ? Helpp ?

How to Lose Weight Taking Apple Cider Vinegar Pills

Recommended Answer:

jogging is an excellent exercise because it let you lose weightevenly throughout your whole body. If you want to lose weight inspecific areas, you should target them with exercises. If they areyour problem areas, they will be very difficult to tone. You will haveto work double on them. The best approach is this:1. Lower/control your daily calorie intake (control for normalweight, lower for overweight).2. Run/jog to lower your overall body fat percentage.3. Target your problem areas with excellent exercise, you can do it in front of your TV: sit on astool, and put your toes under something (piece of heavy furniture,for example). In your hands hold a little dumbbell. Please, make surethat it is not very heavy, start with one kilo, for example, or youwill damage your back and spine! Slowly move the upper part of yourbody back, until it's parallel with the ground. Stop for a second andmove it back to the sitting position. Repeat ten times. Every week addto the number of repetitions. You will see the results in a week,guaranteed! Your stomach would be flatter and stronger. Dumbbells do wonders. Much better than thesecrunches - I came up to three hundreds and there was no results ATALL. With the dumbbells you will see it in a week.

Other Answers:

  • You need to drink lots of water eat lots for fruits at a proper time and avoid eating more fat contain foods and you need to go gym or can exercise in your home daily in the morning for about 2 months
  • you first need to focus on your diet because if you are in a habit of taking junk food, then it would be very hard to reduce your belly fat so fast. so for this, you will have to skip this food from your diet. then drink as much water as you can and try to reduce oil in your food if you take it.reduce oily foods from your diet and try to walk everyday in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before dinner. by following these steps, you will surely get your desired results.

How do you tell your kids it is time to put the family pet down?

Our cat is diabetic and on insulin for about two years now. We have switched to no grain food and do the shots twice a day. He has loss a ton of weight and all was well until recently. He is peeing all over the place again. We have upped the insulin had him checked for UTI. He does nothing but sleep and barley eats. Because he is peeing everywhere he has been regulated to the basement and front all where if he has an accident it won't get on furniture or carpet. I feel like his quality of life is poor now and it is time to put him down. He is just over 11 How do I tell the kids.Nyan it is called hospice where people stop all life furthering treatment s and go for comfort care until they pass essentially speeding up the end because treatment is going no where Also I love my cat but I not treating him like a person because he is a cat Finally I have no space to set up a room like that really who does

How to Lose Weight With Sauna Suits

Recommended Answer:

You tell them the truthDon't tell them nonsense like the pet when to a better place, that it went to the 'farm or over the rainbow bridge or when t to god and other silliness. You need to tell them the simple all out truth. The kids will be better for it then you telling them a make believe story. Tell them the dog is very sick and will not get better and he is very old for a dog and you have to take hm to the vet to have it euthanized. Don't use the terms put to sleep. It often makes kids frighted to go to sleep

Other Answers:

  • Explain that he is very sick, and will be in a better place. That he doesn't deserve sickness. And let them say their goodbyes before it all happens.
  • Tell them he's in pain and the vet will give him a shot to make him not suffer anymore. If you are religious you can include that in your explanation.
  • Just sit then down and explain that he is in pain and suffering and that he will be in a better place and will not be in pain anymore then maybe explain that all the vets do is give him a needle and he goes to "sleep" and won't wake up then let them say their goodbyes
  • You should discuss the situation with the vet, who would be better qualified to determine if the cat should be put down. If he/she decides this is the best thing to do, tell you kids that cat was sick and in terrible pain and has gone to Animal Heaven, where God, and the angels will look after him.
  • No matter how you put it they will still be sad...So treat him like a human.make a special big room for him, and place the floor with sand or grass, believe that he can still be fine and live till his own will.
  • Sorry you and your cat are going through this If you want to go another way, you could treat diabetes the way it should be treated. And that's not a jab against you, you are doing what the vet told you to do. But there is a better way to treat diabetes in cats, it dose take work, more than just giving two shots a day. It's called Tight Regulation (TR) first you need to feed a low carb food (>10% carbs) NO DRY FOOD, you also need to test your cats B/G's before giving insulin ( the same way people do ) than you give the right amount of insulin for what there B/G's are. There is a site called Diabetic cat care If you would like to join (its free) you could try this before putting you cat down.

How can I learn to be okay with myself?

I'm chubby and trying to lose weight. I hate myself. I cut and that makes me feel like a failure. I have had a messed up childhood with foster care and an abusive dad.

How to Lose Weight After Kids

Recommended Answer:

Don't ever hate yourself. You must have some good qualities! Try identifying your good qualities and writing them down. Being chubby is something that can be changed. It's not easy to lose weight but it is so worth it. Instead of going on a diet, try slowly changing bad eating habits. Also, walking briskly can do wonders in getting rid of excess weight and lifting your spirits. Sorry to hear about your childhood. The good thing is that it is over. Have you tried to see a good therapist to get over your childhood? If not, look into it. If you don't have insurance, there may be free counseling sources in your area. If you have a physical doctor, ask him/her to point you in the right direction for a therapist. If you don't have a physical doctor, find someone you can trust and ask them for advice. It sounds like you are still in loads of emotional pain. That could be why you are cutting, trying to relieve some of the pain. You need some help to get past everything and to stop hurting yourself. Good luck to you.

Other Answers:

  • well u cut urself so I'm not even gonna try
  • Keep trying to lose weight and people will start liking you. Then you'll be ok with yourself
  • Look into getting mentorship. I am a mentor. I had some struggles also. Contact me.
  • Focus on the things you like about yourself instead of the things you don't like about yourself. Try to be with people that like you the way you are, and be with them a lot. That will give you less time to cutting.
  • I'm chubby too but over the summer I have lost half a stone! Which is good considering I put on 2 stone in a year, but lost half in a month! That would be 2 stone in 4 months, you can lose alot and even more by 1) Drinking water instead of other drinks- if you hate water all the time, drink squash, same thing almost. Water raises someones mood and is so much healthier! And it stops you from snackig2) EAT BREAKFAST even if it means getting up early, you need to eat breakfast cause it will stop you being hungry. Eat special K, yoghurt or fruit so you have hardly any fat and sugar and calories3) Eat smaller plates. Even if you eat as much as you normally do, eat it on a small plate because your mind thinks you are full up and you don't eat more, if you eat on a big plate and there are some spaces, the mind thinks you haven't eaten enough4) Eat lots of fruit and veg, like eat for lunch and maybe dinner every day, and then try eat fish or chicken or lean meat for meals, avoid pizzas and fries and fatty foods if you want to lose weight!5) Exercise! It again releases endorphins which raise your mood stop you being depressed and also meas you feel better about yourself! And of course you lose weight real fast6) Learn to cook or make a rage of things, healthy things. Look up healthy recipes and while you cook you know you are gonna eat which will stop you being hungry and also it is healthy. Also try healthy alternatives to meals, like bread. If you like cucumber or celery, take out the insides and then chop up bits of pepper, carrot, grapes etc and put it inside with some maybe tuna or ham or meat it is so healthy and fills you up so much!So thats the weight tips they will make you lose alot of weight and also you will lose more than half a stone because we will be back at school if you go and that helps you eat normally at times not snack all day. And also go see someone like your doctor or someone you can speak to like a counsellor they will help you feel betteralso please try stop cutting you will regret it I promiseYou are worth so muchGood luck and hope this if you need me

someone please help with secret diet tips ?

im not overweight but I do feel like I need to lose weight. Does anybody have any tips or secrets that can help me lose weight fast. I want to have my perfect body for summer time! thank you xox

How to Quickly Lose Weight by Drinking Water

Recommended Answer:

Losing weight fast is unhealthy. You'd do better to correct longstanding bad habits:1) Limit or give up soda. 2) Monitor how much sugar you consume.3) Look for more natural foods, and don't eat anything with high fructose corn syrup.4) Drink water; in fact, make 2/3 of what you drink water.5) Exercise, even for 10 minutes a day.6) Straighten your posture- it will create an optical illusion of being slimmer.7) Correct your ill-fitting clothing. If your clothing constantly pinches around your waist, it will help define that muffin top just a little bit more.8) Pick clothing that flatters your body shape. If you are wide, use vertical pinstripes instead of horizontal ones. Think longitude versus latitude. You want to look taller, not wider.9) Read the ingredient labels on the backs of your foods. If they have words you can't pronounce or ingredients that you can't find in your kitchen, chances are, it's not healthy.10) Limit how much you eat before you go to bed. For one, citrus foods/drinks may create vivid dreams, or sleeplessness. Also, since you will be prone while you sleep, and not burning as much energy throughout the day, your food will mostly be converted to storage i.e. muscle and fat, but mostly the latter.11) Limit your caffeine. I refer you back to #4. Caffeine as a stimulant will give you energy for an hour or two tops before you crash and become too tired to exercise or finish your day. Drinking more water will help with the burn.12) Drink a glass of milk an hour before a meal. Milk has natural fat in it, which will help you feel fuller before you eat, which in turn will help you eat smaller meals. It also has calcium, and fortified Vitamin D, which will help build your bones. 13) Before going out to eat anywhere (buffet or otherwise), eat something small (suggested are toast, nuts, or crackers) before leaving. It will help trick your brain into thinking you are not as hungry, and help you eat less.14) Physically eyeball everything you put on your plate, and don't eat in front of the TV. Doing so makes one zone, and much more likely to overeat as you aren't paying attention to what you put in your mouth. You're distracting your brain from receiving the "I'm full" signal before you get that I'm- gonna-burst feeling.15) Put your fork down between bites, and drink more liquids while you eat. It's simple science that most foods are absorbent, and since absorbent things expand, and you will fill more full, helping you eat less. Putting your fork down, and picking it back up multiple times will make you pay attention to how much you are chewing.16) DO NOT USE WEIGHT LOSS SUPPLEMENTS!!! These artificially change your metabolism, which can create long-term health problems down the road. Your better bet is to change your habits.I wish you all the luck with reaching and maintaining a healthy weight goal and a happier lifestyle. :)

Other Answers:

  • You should not eat foods like guacamole, avocado, cocoa, chocolate, mushrooms, caffeine, and alcohol. Also, any food with salt, grease, sugar, food coloring,Stop eating 3 to 4 hours before go to bed.Perform some form of cardio exercises, in the morning, on an empty stomach, for 30-45 minutes while keeping your heart rate at about 140 beats per minute.Never skip breakfast, if you do so this will make you fat.Drink 6-8 glasses of water every day.GOOD LUCK!

how to lose weight fast without running?

im trying to lose weight because im suppose to weigh around 110 when im 180 right now. I HATE running because my breasts bounce and I look stupid. I have no money to get a good working bra. but other wise I love the feeling of running, just as long as my breasts aren't in the way. ive tried looking up good exercises but they all have to do with running. what should I do? and I want to lose the weight fast, im tired of looking in the mirror and feeling so uncomfortable, and being called bad names. please help!

How to Lose Weight with Chinese Herbs

Recommended Answer:

Hey Heather!Ugh I hate running as well. I had loads of trouble losing weight too. I'd look dumb running and nothing would happen and I'd get really annoyed and give up. But don't!!! This is what I did, it's simple common knowledge but it WORKS!!!1. Stop snacking - if you snack after exercising you'll ruin your hard work. And don't skip meals!2. Exercise - YOU DON'T HAVE TO RUN! Here are some non running exercises to do:WalkingSquatsLungesPush upsYou can do all this indoors, so no one will watch!3. Hydrate4. Diet! This is the most important. You gotta make sure everything you eat is right, or NOTHING ELSE will help you!I found a great dieting guide somewhere let me find it...

Other Answers:

  • Eat less and do star jumps. They are the easiest thing ever and it will help in the end.
  • Star jumps
  • High-Fiber Foods for Better Weight LossExecutive summary about high fiber foods by Mehmet C. Oz, MD, and Michael F. Roizen, MDMake your weight-loss regimen a whole lot easier. Just munch on these high fiber foods.These high-fiber foods keep your mouth busy longer than mushy, highly processed foods do. And because fiber resists digestion, you feel full longer. For people with type 1 diabetes, a high-fiber diet can also help stabilize blood sugar levels.Fruits highest in fiber are bananas, apples, pears, and berries. Don't forget nuts; seeds; beans; lentils; barley; and cereals, breads, and pasta made from 100 percent whole grains.A high-fiber diet should contain 20-35 grams of fiber a day. Choose high-fiber snacks, such as fruits, popcorn, whole-grain crackers, and nuts.Choose cereals with at least 2 grams of fiber per serving. Choose raw fruits and vegetables over juice, cooked—raw fruit has more fiber. Dried fruit is also a good source of fiber.With the exception of yogurt containing inulin, dairy foods provide little fiber. Increase fiber in meat dishes by adding pinto beans, kidney beans, black-eyed peas, bran. Most snack foods do not provide much fiber.
  • Hi Heather, I posted a link below with a simple (I didn't say easy) exercise that you can do to get you started. This is a great program to jumpstart your fitness because you can drop some pounds without putting a lot of stress on your joints. Make this your main workout routine for 8 - 12 weeks (until whenever you get bored with it) and by then you'll be in a really good position to do something else - running, crossfit, whatever interests you.Hope this helps.
  • Here is a great page that you will find helpful. It has great exercise tips and ideas besides running, or even doing traditional type exercises. It's an extensive read, and worth reading every word as it is such valuable useful info.It's an inspiring and motivating page - a real life story. There are videos in it, it talks about nutrition and the importance of drinking water.What I really liked about it is the part about becoming aware of your muscles and using them on purpose even during daily activities.I highly recommend it, it has information that you can start using and applying today.Really worth the read.Although it is titled for women over a certain age I truly believe you'll find it useful.
  • I'm done with my weight loss journey and completely happy with how I feel and how I look right now however losing weight is a challenge for anyone and even losing 5 pounds and keeping it off isn't an easy task. Also I bet you didn't know that 5 pounds of fat is about the size of 8 cheese burgers? That alone should be enough to make anyone want to get on the ball and start a change for the better. Weight loss can be really easy to learn but the problem is nobody wants to put the required effort that is needed to actually do it, instead people continually look for (easy) ways to do it. If there was an easy way to lose weight I don't think 35% of Americans would be obese. There was a time when I also wanted to lose weight and was tired of starting diets only to lose motivation and give up just a few weeks later after seeing no results. However, let me tell you it is literally one of the easiest things you will ever learn once you find a good and reputable place to learn it from and I say that only because the world is filled with magic diet pills, liquid flush diets and a thousand other quick fixes that promise xx pounds of weight loss in the first week and even though it is impossible they know you're going to do it because your desperate. I have probably tried every diet pill, liquid flush diet, and ab rocket machine known to man and have had no success with any of them nor do I know anyone that has ever had any success with them. I have also tried starving myself which works very well for the first few weeks' right before your metabolism comes to a complete stop and eating just the tiny bit makes you gain weight and you end up weighing more than you did before you started starving yourself. Companies promote weight loss to make money not to get people healthy again and that's because they know you're not going to be a customer and buy their products if you're no longer fat. is a site I want you to go to when you have 10 or 20 minutes to spare and I want you to sit down and watch his video on weight loss. He helps people every day to lose weight I have never seen someone as committed as him and that will go so far out of his way to help someone. His weight loss program is one of the best I have ever had the enjoyment of doing and it is without doubt the best success I have ever had with any weight loss program. I also couldn't be happier with my body right now and I have never felt this wonderful in my whole life. In the end you just got to remember to stick with it and stay confident in yourself and in no time you can achieve the results you have always wanted. It's not hard to lose weight but most people have a hard time staying motivated and 9 times out of 10 it was because they weren't really committed from the beginning. Anyways I hope I helped you and I hope you make the commitment to change your body and life. Remember it's not easy to take the first step but you did, you're here right now taking it and the rest of the steps will fall into place. Have a wonderful day.
  • There really isn't anything fast about losing weight. Think about. Most people add weight over many years, It isn't going to come off over night. However, if you eat the right foods, exercise and take the right supplements, you should be able to lose 2 to 3 pounds a week until you are at your desired weight. If you would like meal plans, exercise routines or recipes, send me a message with specific needs and I will be glad to reply.

Desperate! Need help with weight loss!?

I'm 5'5'' and I usually weigh around 148, I've been that for years and it has fluctuated a couple of pounds but generally stays the same. For a while I got down to about 142 and stayed there for a bit. I should also note that I'm in the military, so I do regular exercise five days a week. In the past month and a half I have all of a sudden gained 17 pounds. I feel like I'm swollen. My doctor is testing my thyroid but if that comes back normal, what else could be going on. I know weight gain is normal, but I can honestly say that I have not changed my eating habits, and I still work out every morning at PT. I also started doing insanity a few weeks ago. I've gained inches on my chest, stomach, and hips. At first I didn't really notice, but now I can barely fit into my clothes and I just feel uncomfortable all the time. This is seriously stressing me out, I'm not sure what else to do. I don't eat a ton of meat, I've always eaten quite a bit of fruits and vegetables. I do have a sweet tooth, but I keep it in check. I count calories, I have an app, and I log every single thing I eat. I average around 1300 calories a day. I've tried jumping around with the calories to kick start my metabolism, that didn't work. I don't know what's going on, and I've never had a hard time losing weight like this, especially with 2x a day workouts. Please help!

How to Lose Weight Drinking Milk

Recommended Answer:

How to Lose 15 Pounds in 4 WeeksNow here are some expert tips on how to lose 15 pounds in 4 weeks:#1 - Cut back on salt or basically any food which contains salt. Salt is basically the worst thing you can consume if you are in the midst of losing weight as it retains a lot of water in the body.#2 - In order to lose 15 pounds in 4 weeks you have to eat 5-6 small meals throughout the day in order to keep your digestive process active.#3 - Foods that use a lot of energy in the body to digest is another great tip. Add foods such as chicken, salmon, asparagus and green beans to your diet as these foods then to require lots of energy in the body to digest hence the body burns more calories and fat.#4 - To increase you metabolism rapidly, drink plenty of water each day. Around the region of 8-12 glasses a day would be required for optimal results.#5 - Another way to increase your metabolism naturally is to build muscles in your body. So try doing some strength training like push-ups to build muscles effectively.After every week make it a point to retake your measurements of weight and fat content in your body to check up on your progress. If you happen to not see any results or improvement then change your program in a different way and take the measurement again the following week.Now you know how to lose 15 pounds in 4 weeks but please remember you have to stay true to your plan and be consistent or else you will not see any results. Just keep at it and before you know it, you could even lose 30 pounds in two months. That would be amazing right? Wish you all the best in your weight loss goal.

How can i lose weight if i dont eat veggies?

I want to lose weight and i know the first step is eating right. but i do not like veggies at all. not in a smoothie or any other form. does anyone have any real suggestions for what i can do? and possibly what the best types of food i could eat as well.

How to Lose Weight: 20 Pounds in 60 Days Without Exercise

Recommended Answer:

I'm done with my weight loss journey and completely happy with how I feel and how I look right now however losing weight is a challenge for anyone and even losing 5 pounds and keeping it off isn't an easy task. Also I bet you didn't know that 5 pounds of fat is about the size of 8 cheese burgers? That alone should be enough to make anyone want to get on the ball and start a change for the better. Weight loss can be really easy to learn but the problem is nobody wants to put the required effort that is needed to actually do it, instead people continually look for (easy) ways to do it. If there was an easy way to lose weight I don't think 35% of Americans would be obese. There was a time when I also wanted to lose weight and was tired of starting diets only to lose motivation and give up just a few weeks later after seeing no results. However, let me tell you it is literally one of the easiest things you will ever learn once you find a good and reputable place to learn it from and I say that only because the world is filled with magic diet pills, liquid flush diets and a thousand other quick fixes that promise xx pounds of weight loss in the first week and even though it is impossible they know you're going to do it because your desperate. I have probably tried every diet pill, liquid flush diet, and ab rocket machine known to man and have had no success with any of them nor do I know anyone that has ever had any success with them. I have also tried starving myself which works very well for the first few weeks' right before your metabolism comes to a complete stop and eating just the tiny bit makes you gain weight and you end up weighing more than you did before you started starving yourself. Companies promote weight loss to make money not to get people healthy again and that's because they know you're not going to be a customer and buy their products if you're no longer fat. is a site I want you to go to when you have 10 or 20 minutes to spare and I want you to sit down and watch his video on weight loss. He helps people every day to lose weight I have never seen someone as committed as him and that will go so far out of his way to help someone. His weight loss program is one of the best I have ever had the enjoyment of doing and it is without doubt the best success I have ever had with any weight loss program. I also couldn't be happier with my body right now and I have never felt this wonderful in my whole life. In the end you just got to remember to stick with it and stay confident in yourself and in no time you can achieve the results you have always wanted. It's not hard to lose weight but most people have a hard time staying motivated and 9 times out of 10 it was because they weren't really committed from the beginning. Anyways I hope I helped you and I hope you make the commitment to change your body and life. Remember it's not easy to take the first step but you did, you're here right now taking it and the rest of the steps will fall into place. Have a wonderful day.

Other Answers:

  • Most fruits are metabolism boosting foods.For weight loss, dieting is more effective than exercise. Reducing your intake of junk sugar will help as in items 22 and 106 in The natural sugars in fruits are OK as they are metabolised to glucose slowly due to their high fiber content. Fruits are low in calories and are not fattening. Most fruits are metabolism boosting foods and most vegetables as well and that helps for weight loss.

According to Einstein's E=mc^2 formula,shouldn't black holes be an unlimited source of energy?

The origin of this question comes from another question I searched: Does a charged battery weigh more than a used/discharged one? One of the answers I found was: " Yes a charged battery does weigh more than a discharged one, just as a spring under tension weighs more than when relaxed.Einsteins equations on mass and energy tell us that the mass of an object increases as its potential energy increases. However, for our purposes the increase or decrease is so small it is negligible and unmeasurable. In Einstein's equations for gravity on the left hand side we have the curvature of space time and on the right hand side the energy momentum tensor. So any kind of energy stored in a space-time region will contribute to the curvature of space-time. When you charge a battery you increase its energy content - somewhere else you lose energy, the charger and power supply in this case. So the battery will effectively bend space-time more than it has done before, so it will gain weight (increased mass)[...]". So in theory, what Einstein said is that there's this energy-mass relation, and with the increase of energy, we see an increase in the mass as well. But what if we're talking about a black hole, an object infinitely dense with infinite mass. Does that mean that a black hole has as well, infinite energy? If it actually does... How is that even possible?? Black holes are born from the collapse of a star, a star that can no longer produce energy in its core.... So how is this possible?? Is there even an explanation for this?

How to Help Your Dachshund Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

"According to Einstein's E=mc^2 formula,shouldn't black holes be an unlimited source of energy?"No. Black holes have finite mass. So clearly they are not turning into infinite energy." what Einstein said is that there's this energy-mass relation, and with the increase of energy, we see an increase in the mass as well."No, he did NOT say that. Mass is not a function of motion. *Relativistic mass* may be, but that is NOT mass."But what if we're talking about a black hole, an object infinitely dense with infinite mass."Infinite density does imply infinite mass. And black holes do not have infinite density, since they have finite event horizons."Does that mean that a black hole has as well, infinite energy? If it actually does... How is that even possible?? Black holes are born from the collapse of a star, a star that can no longer produce energy in its core.... So how is this possible??"It doesn't, it isn't, you misunderstood.

Other Answers:

  • Going based on my basic college knowledge upon the aspect ; It possesses the ability to create energy , but must have an action inflicted upon it to do so .
  • Let's think of it this way, energy is released when a star collapses and this energy is released in a form of light, but since a black hole is formed, the light cannot escape it, thus the energy is trapped it there. Therefore, there will always be energy in a black hole, resulting in infinite energy!
  • No. A black hole does not have infinite mass. It is that simple.
  • It looks like you don't quite understand any of this..... you should post about your background when asking these kind of questions.

How to get gain some weight?

hi this is a question on how to gain weight. all mai life ive been skinny but not the weakest and it hasent been a problem. i picked up a decent girl last year and dated for 3 months which was nice but my skinny ness is having a huge problem getting girls. Im 5'8 108lbs and its in like one of the lowest bims. I play soccer 5times a week and run like hell so any carbs i eat get burned. i play baseball in spring and am incedibly active. not to mention doing some workouts.i feel embarassed to go in the weightroom tho cus i can only benchpress 50lbs. I eat a high calorie diet so what can i be doin wrong?i have a half decent face but i cant get women cus of my frickin body. plus i wanna finally beat my friend in an arm wrestle.

How to Lose Weight Fast With Yoga

Recommended Answer:

To gain weight you need to combine protein foods with starchy carbohydrates as indicated below. Good weight gaining combinations are bread, cereals, pasta, rice, potatoes or sweet potatoes combined with meat, poultry, eggs, cheese, nuts or sea food. Peanut butter sandwiches and cheese sandwiches are good weight gaining combinations. The protein in the above combinations will help to gain extra muscles.

Other Answers:

  • Eat? Work full body?
  • idk

What to eat late at night when your drunk?

I want a healthy snack to eat when I'm drunk and my buzz is wearing off before bed I don't want junk because ill gain weight. Thanks!

How to Lose Weight If You Are in a Wheelchair

Recommended Answer:

Grits with diced ham and cheese, That was the 'go to' snack for an old buddy and me when we were drunk. Stir it up until the cheese is mostly melted.

Other Answers:

  • I am facing the same problem
  • Lol an apple?!? Salad?! Idk. If you wanna stop being drunk eat bread
  • I just had some ramen. Was pretty amazing while taking shots of vodka
  • You want to be healthy, yet your drinking alchohol that's loaded with calories. Ironic
  • Booze has tons of calories, your so far gone from healthy, just eat whatever tastes good.
  • Peanut butter sandwich?
  • 4 or 5 eggs, ham sandwich, and dill pickles.. with a large glass of milk.You probably won't get drunk again. cured! that was the cured ham..
  • Ahhh man some shrimp and chicken pasta sounds good. Maybe some nachos? I know they arnt healthy but its still good
  • drink some more till you pass out.

How To Get a Butt Like Kim Kardashian In a Week?

Look, I know this question sounds ridiculous. To get a butt like that would probably take 3-6 months. But, I'm in an emergency. I have a special event to go to and I want a big butt for the event. My butt isn't flat, but its not huge either. It's like medium. I want a butt like Kim Kardashians. But, a week is a very short amount of time for that. So, I was wondering if anyone knew how to get a big butt like that. Any exercises or foods I can eat to get a huge butt in a week?

How to Quickly Lose Weight by Drinking Water

Recommended Answer:

The right cardio exercise and weight training activities (like squatsand deadlifts) can make a difference in your backside and help you getthose buns of steel. Find out the best cardio and strength trainingexercises for strengthening and firming up your rear.1. Squats.Squats are one of the best exercises you can do for your hips, buttand thighs. Stand with feet hip-width apart and squat, keeping backstraight, abs in and knees behind your toes. Let your butt lightlytouch chair and squeeze butt to stand up. Repeat for 2-3 sets of 8-12reps and add weights for more intensity.2. Lunges. Stand in a splitstance, with feet about 3 feet apart. You want both knees to be atabout 90-degree angles at the bottom of the movement, so adjustaccordingly. Hold weights in each hand (or place a barbell behind theneck) for added intensity. Bend the knees and lower the back kneetoward the floor, keeping the front heel down and the knee directlyover the centre of the foot. Keep the torso straight and abs in as youpush through the front heel and back to starting position. Don't lockthe knees at the top of the movement. Perform 1 to 3 sets of 10 to 16reps according to your fitness level and goals.3. Step Ups. For stepups, you simply place one foot on a step or platform and push throughthe heel onto the step. This is an excellent exercise for the glutes.4. Hip Extensions. Lie on the floor with feet propped on the ball,legs straight. Keeping abs tight, slowly lift your hips off the floor(squeezing the buttocks) until body is in a straight line. Hold for afew seconds and lower, repeating 10 to 15 times.5. One-Legged Deadlifts. You should skip this exercise if youhave any back problems. To do this move, take the left leg back just a bit, lightlyresting on the toe. With the weights in front of the thighs, tip fromthe hips and lower the weights as low as your flexibility allows. Keepyour back flat or with a natural arch and make sure you keep the abscontracted to protect the back. Squeeze the glutes of the working legto raise back up. Do 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps.6. Hiking. Now theexercises listed above aren't the only strength moves for the glutes,but we often forget that there are cardio activities that will alsoengage the backside. Hiking is one of those activities and it alsoburns tons of calories. Also, walking up an incline automatically getsyour glutes more involved and, if you're wearing a backpack, you'rereally getting a workout. A 140-lb person burns about 390 calories inabout an hour!7. Biking. Riding a bike is great for your heart and italso targets almost every muscle in your hips, thighs and butt. On astationary bike, alternate 3 minutes at 70-80 RPM with 2 minutes at100-110 RPM for a calorie-blasting 30 minute workout. You can also trySpinning at the gym or riding outside. Gear up to really work yourglutes! A 140-lb person burns 335 calories in 45 minutes.8. Running. Running, like walking, is accessible, easy to learn, reduces stress,helps in weight loss, and it makes you feel good. Plus, it reallyworks your butt, especially when you add a few hills to your regularrunning route. A 140-lb person burns 475 calories during a 45 minutejog.9. Kickboxing. Kickboxing was a hot item back in the day, but it'sstill a great workout. Controlled kicks work your hips, thighs andbutt while complex combinations that include punches will target yourabs to make them stronger. A 140-lb woman will burn up to 500 calorieswith 45 minutes of kickboxing.10. Walking. Walking is easy: you can doit anywhere, anytime with no special equipment. There's no learningcurve and it's something you can incorporate all day long. If you walkup hills, you can really target your glutes and, if you pick up theintensity, you'll burn some of that extra flab off your buns! A 140-lbperson burns about 300 calories an hour during a brisk walk.

Other Answers:

  • Kim kardashians butt is too big
  • do lunges all the time, rub your butt cheeks alot, and wear a thong at the event.
  • Do lots of squats. And then let me see your results ;)